Center for Security Policy | May 23, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Barack Obama’s tenure as Commander-in-Chief has not exactly been characterized by success.  What comes next, however, may make his record to date look like the good old days. To be sure, on his watch, an extraordinary intelligence-special forces team liquidated Osama bin Laden […]

JOAN SWIRSKY: OBAMA’S MALIGNANT OBSESSION WITH ISRAEL AND JEWS Jew hatred comes in many forms, all of them irrational and unsupported by empirical fact, but all of them powerful and largely effective in deflecting personal and political failures onto a tiny people which by their mere existence highlight the glaring deficiencies that exist in their adversaries. Like a deadly systemic infection, be it […]

SAMANTHA POWER: THE PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER MOST HOSTILE TO ISRAEL …SEE NOTE AND MAX BOOT CHEERLEADER FOR PETRAEUS HAD THIS NONSENSE TO SAY ABOUT SAMANTHA AND INSULT TO THE NEO-CONS:RSK “I’ve known Power for six years and have never heard her say anything that I would construe as anti-Israel. In fact, at a December 2006 forum at Harvard’s Kennedy School at which we were both panelists, […]

LIGHTS OUT EVERYBODY!!: THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE SO SKEPTICAL Compact fluorescent bulbs release cancer-causing chemicals when turned on, says new research  Sharon Stone, PhD (NaturalNews) Are you one of the many who, in the effort to be eco-friendly and to save money, replaced your old incandescent light bulbs with environmentally-friendly compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) energy saving light bulbs? If so, beware. A new […]

MENDING FENCES BUT NOTHING TO SAY ON THE STATUS OF JERUSALEM EDITORIAL: Obama’s Jerusalem secret White House might suggest making Mecca an interfaith timeshare President Obama was mending fences on Sunday at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual meeting. He reasserted America’s steadfast support for the Jewish state, and claimed that his comments on Israel in Thursday’s Middle East policy address had been […]

BEN SHAPIRO: JEWS IN NAME ONLY In 2008, Obama grabbed 78 percent of the Jewish vote. Even the most wildly optimistic polling today shows that Obama’s support remains high among Jews. It’s a result that Republicans simply can’t understand — why do so many Jews continue to support a president who has shown time and again that he stands against […]

JACK ENGELHARD: BIB TO THE WORLD….”SWAP THIS” Published: 05/24/11, 7:15 AM / Last Update: 05/24/11, 7:08 AM Op-Ed: Bibi to World–Swap This! by Jack Engelhard Israel’s friends and foes seem to be dancing at the same wedding. Those people at AIPAC applauded when President Obama urged a two-state “solution” and even when he proposed a land “swap.” I’m not sure if […]

LT. COL. RICHARD KEMP: “WE BELIEVE IN ISRAEL” Col Richard Kemp’s speech to ‘We Believe in Israel’ Conference – London, 15 May  By Jonathan Hoffman May 23, 2011 (As Prepared for Delivery; thanks to Colonel Kemp for permission to post this) Lieutenant Paul Mervis was a platoon commander in the British Army’s 2nd Battalion The Rifles. His company serjeant major said […]

ANDREW MCCARTHY: OBAMACARE FOR ISRAEL Obamacare for Israel We have seen this Obama two-step before. The message for Israel is simple: Enjoy your Obamacare! The past week’s presidential aggression-and-retreat two-step — amid indignant protestations that there had ever been any aggression in the first place — perfectly fit Obama’s pattern, which is already shopworn less than three years into […]

ARAB APARTHEID A TRANSLATION FROM HEBREW  The Arab Apartheid  By Ben Dror Yemini Maariv (translated from Hebrew) May 14, 2011 The real “nakba,” which is the story of the Arab apartheid. Tens of millions, among them Jews, suffered from the “nakba,” which included dispossession, expulsion and displacement. Only the Palestinians remained refugees because they were treated to abuse and oppression by […]