PLEASE SUPPORT OUR WW2 VETERANS…SEE AND SEND THIS TOUCHING VIDEO This story is incredible. Please send this touching two-minute video about World War II veterans to FIVE friends and family to remind them that every day alive in this great, free country is truly a bonus. Let’s get 50,000 views for the video by Memorial Day (May 30th) to show these living heroes, one […]

ISLAM’S APARTHEID: AMIL IMANI The dictionary defines apartheid as: An official policy of racial segregation promulgated in the Republic of South Africa with a view to promoting and maintaining white ascendancy. In 1973, the General Assembly of the United Nations opened for signature and ratification the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid […]

“Peace With Honor” Ruse Awaiting Afghanistan? Lt. Colonel James Zumwalt, USMC (ret) Osama bin Laden’s death appears to be ringing in some false hopes. Suggesting the terrorist mastermind’s death will impact on the future of the Afghanistan war, Kabul’s ambassador to the US, Ekill Hakimi, said it created “the hope for leadership of the Taliban to join the reconciliation and reintegration process.” US politicians also seem to […]

President Obama Prepares Another Deceitful Campaign Speech To AIPAC Posted By Joseph Klein President Obama Prepares Another Deceitful Campaign Speech To AIPAC Posted By Joseph Klein There is nothing like an election campaign to bring out Barack Obama’s cheerleading for Israel. Knowing that he needs to hold on to his support in the politically important Jewish-American constituency, President Obama is planning to deliver an address this Sunday […]


More Tripe From Thomas Friedman (and Others) Posted By P. David Hornik This week’s breach of Israel’s Golan border by a crowd of Syrians was telegenic, but it probably didn’t give most viewers the impression that Israel is about to achieve piece with its neighbors. Even less conducive to that impression is the fact […]

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Peter Roskam About Israel, Unified Palestinian Govt., And US Foreign Policy EXCLUSIVE Interview with Rep. Peter Roskam About Israel, Unified Palestinian Govt., And US Foreign Policy The past few months have seen unexpected developments in the Middle East, the continuing “Arab Awakening,” Egypt’s slide toward being controlled by the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and Libya in revolt; it seemed as if for the first time […]

THE NEWS FROM THE UK GETS MORE APPALLING:BIGGEST STUDENT UNION VOTES 10-1 FOR BOYCOTT AND DIVEST FROM ISRAEL   The Contagion Spreads: Europe’s Biggest Student Union (in Londonistan) Votes for BDS The 120,000-strong  ULU, which represents students at the various colleges that comprise the University of London, voted yesterday by 10: 1 in favour of BDS. The motion called for “thorough research into ULU investments and contracts” with companies guilty of “violating Palestinian […]

Children coerced by Taliban to attack :Jon Boone KABUL: The Taliban are recruiting a growing number of children as suicide bombers as NATO steps up its war against the insurgents. In some of the country’s most restive provinces, the Taliban are resorting to threats, inducement and deceit in order to send children to their deaths against US and Afghan targets. A […]

BRYAN PRESTON: WHY RICK PERRY SHOULD RUN FOR PRESIDENT Why Rick Perry should run for president Fresh from delivering a major address to the RNC, Texas Gov. Rick Perry as GOP presidential candidate is going viral even while the candidate himself insists that he is not running. On that, I believe him. I do not think he is running. But I also believe […]

ROBERT COSTA: THE ELECTION MESS IN BUFFALO…..JANE CROWIN SHOULD WIN Buffalo Swing A Medicare proxy war and tea-party squabbles shake up a special House election in western New York. For decades, the late congressman Jack Kemp was western New York’s conservative champion. A tough supply-sider and former Buffalo Bills quarterback, Kemp personified the region’s grit. Since Kemp left office, the area’s blue-collar factory towns […]