Embarrassing answers and non-answers by the chairman of the Washington Post Http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2011/ss_media0578_05_13.asp Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media Washington Post chairman Donald E. Graham, a former police officer, said on Thursday at the company’s annual meeting that he had no comment on the White House hosting a rapper who had […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703730804576324071441122848.html By ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES Members of the Miami Mosque, also known as the Flagler Mosque, reacted with dismay to the news of Hafiz Khan’s arrest on Saturday morning. “We were all really shocked,” said Asad Ba-Yunus, spokesman for the Muslim Communities Association of South Florida, the parent organization of the Flagler Mosque. “This was something […]
http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/05/14/2217517/mosque-members-imam-doesnt-have.html http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/05/14/2216850/miami-feds-indict-6-on-charges.html Feds indict Miami imam, family members on charges of supporting Taliban The imam of Miami’s oldest mosque is accused of sending money to support the Taliban’s terrorist acts against American troops and allies in Pakistan. For more than a decade, an elderly, frail imam led a devout following at South Florida’s oldest mosque. […]
Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West By: Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Norwegian Academic, Historian of Religions and bestselling author. Her website is here. KGS The President of Israel, Mr. Shimon Peres’ critical comments on Norways reluctancy to follow EU, UN and USA in denouncing Hamas as a terrorist movement, are timely remarks. […]
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3727406,00.html Nakba nonsenseNakba commemoration unrelated to exercise of legitimate individual freedom Martin Sherman Adherence to the doctrine of democratic governance is not a suicide pact. Neither is it obligation to self-destruct by means of terminal stupidity. Belief in democratic principles does not require one to forego the distinction between friend and foe, between ally and […]
Dr. Martin Sherman www.martinsherman.org “Perhaps then the real failure of the American Jewish Establishment is that it has not seen to it that facts such as these are widely known, thus allowing ignorance and/or malice to dominate the discourse??” In light of the issues raised in the talk I feel compelled to respond – and […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/05/13/horowitz-and-intellectual-terrorism-at-ucla/print/ Last Wednesday, evening the Freedom Center’s David Horowitz gave a much anticipated and ferociously opposed presentation before a crowd of more than 300 people at Moore Hall at the University of California at Los Angeles. The event was hosted by the Bruin Republicans, self-described as “the only officially right-of-center organization on the UCLA campus” […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-death-of-bin-laden-and-obamas-re-election-prospects/?singlepage=true We are a bit less than 18 months out from the 2012 presidential election, and the GOP field has no front-runner. A few of the GOP’s announced contenders or possible candidates have national name recognition (Romney, Gingrich, Trump, Huckabee, Palin, Paul), but others (Pawlenty, Daniels, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum) do not. As a result, the […]
Obama’s “Common” Associations E.W. Jackson, Sr. http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/05/obamas_common_associations.html While Michelle Obama may have only recently found a reason to be proud of her country, she has long been proud of rapper Common. Mrs. Obama and her husband do not want to celebrate the National Day of Prayer in the White House, and the latter “forgot” to […]
By Charlotte Cushman http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2011/05/the_unknown_story_of_pocahonta.html Yesterday was the anniversary of the landing at Jamestown How many people know the story of its survival, a story that reflects our American heritage? I am firm in my conviction that children should know the history of their own country and I find it sad and frightening that multiculturalism is […]