PALARABS STORM INTO ISRAEL: SHAUN WATERMAN ISRAEL SHOULD REALLY NAKBA THEM THIS TIME….RSK Thousands of Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli security forces on three hostile borders Sunday in an unprecedented wave of protests marking an annual ritual against the founding of the Jewish state in 1948. Israeli soldiers opened fire, leaving at least 15 dead and many more injured, as […]

RUTH KING:THE HASHEMITES OF PALESTINE: A ROYAL SCAM THAT KEEPS ON SCAMMING News from the Middle East is full of the threat of Arab revolts “springing” up in Jordan and challenging the rule of King Abdullah II, son of the late King Hussein.  The throne in Amman is depicted as the “ancient” Hashemite Dynasty of Jordan. It’s a royal historical scam. There has never, repeat never, […]

CHRIS CARTER:SOUTH CAROLINA’S ANTI-FOREIGN LAW INITIATIVE WILL PROTECT ALL CITIZENS…..SEE NOTE Contributing Editor Chris Carter is the Director of the Victory Institute – an action institution and veterans service organization promoting matters that affect the liberty and security of the American family. He also writes for The US Report. S.C. GOVER NOR NIKKI HALEY WAS INTERVIEWED BY NEODOMINATRIX AMANPOUR YESTERDAY AND SHE IS A […]

CANADA SUSPENDS LIBYAN CHARITY OVER TERRORIST FINANCING,css.print/pub_detail.asp Canada Suspends Libyan Charity over Terrorist Financing The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report Canadian media has reported that the Canadian government has revoked the registration of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS) that it says was established as a front by Libyan ruler Moammar Gaddafi and that been sending money to known terrorists. According to […]

ROBERT SPENCER: ISRAEL INVADED Israel was invaded Sunday. “The people who tried to enter Israel Sunday were Islamic supremacists bent on destroying Israel. It is good that Netanyahu understands this. It would be better still if a world that is increasingly hostile toward Israel and uncritically accepting of Palestinian jihadist propaganda were to accept it as well.”This time, […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS: DOES THE BBC VIEW ISRAEL’S EXISTENCE AS A “GRIEVANCE” Yesterday, there was an organised attempt by Arab mobs to storm three of Israel’s borders with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, along with violent rioting and other incidents in east Jerusalem. The trigger for this attempted invasion, which appears to have been organised by Syria and Iran, was ‘Nakba day’, the annual statement of the […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS: APPROPRIATE ACTIVITY FOR GENOCIDE DAY Today Israel faced invasion from three borders: thousands tried to storm the borders from Syria,  Lebanon and Gaza, along with Arab rampages in east Jerusalem. A number of people on the Syrian and Lebanese borders have been killed in these violent clashes, although in a still confused situation the IDF say at least some […]

CLARICE FELDMAN: FROM THE MOSLEM WORLD BIG DONATIONS TO AMERICAN COLLEGES Some years ago, Stanley Kurtz took a hard look at the reporting of foreign gifts to American universities, at a time when he was concerned that Title VI Sec. 1011f  might be gutted by a democratic House. (20 USC 1011-Sec. 1011f requires colleges and universities to disclose foreign donations and contracts valued at $250,000 […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: MIAMI TALIBAN IMAM’S SON…THE DAMNING WIRETAP EVIDENCE IS “A MISINTERPRETATION OF LANGUAGE Miami Taliban Imam’s Son Damning Wiretaps ‘A Misinterpretation of Language’ Andrew G. Bostom According to the U.S. District Court of Southern Florida indictment of Imam Hafiz Muhammad Sher Ali Khan, law enforcement agents recorded a series of phone calls in 2009 and 2010 during which the elder Khan — between numerous transfers of money […]

YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT A “NAKBA”????READ THIS ABOUT JEWISH REFUGEES FROM ARAB COUNTRIES!! Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries By Jacqueline Shields Although much is heard about the plight of the Palestinian refugees, little is said about the Jews who fled from Arab states. In 1945, there were more than 870,000 Jews living in the various Arab states. Many of their communities dated back 2,500 years. Throughout 1947 […]