Gay Drugged Up Jihad? Meanwhile Obama’s pet media continues his prolonged victory lap. But the actual terror continues. The FBI showed no interest in Mohamed Mamdouh, a charming fellow who was into kicking dogs, stealing vodka and bombing synagogues. Mamdouh stole at least one bottle of Vodka and his co-conspirator Ahmed Ferani, is a […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Long Election March Tea Party? What Tea Party? So Romney gave his “I’m going to be the nominee and there’s nothing you can do about it” speech. His assertion that he’s going to win without having to bother playing up to the Tea Party. And what else would you […] An Ill Season The Arab spring unleashes Islamists on Egyptian Christians. Screaming “With our blood and soul, we will defend you, Islam,” jihadists stormed the Virgin Mary Church in northwest Cairo last weekend. They torched the Coptic Christian house of worship, burned the nearby homes of two Copt families to the ground, attacked a […]
THE DECLARATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE STATE OF ISRAEL May 14, 1948 On May 14, 1948, on the day in which the British Mandate over a Palestine expired, the Jewish People’s Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved the following proclamation, declaring the establishment of the State of Israel. The new state […] Washington State: Convert to Islam injured in bomb accident, charged with attempting to aid Islamic jihadists Yes, here is yet another convert to Islam who misunderstood his new, peaceful religion right here in the United States. Yet no Muslim group anywhere in the country has instituted any program, nor given any attention whatsoever to […]
Note: Gingrich’s refusal to admit a mistake is now exploding in the media, including UK Guardian, Fox News, Rolling Stone, Climate Wire, Washington Times, Politico, and talk radio, etc. For the latest, go to Fox News: Newt Responds to Climate Depot! A Love-Fest is Now Called A ‘Debate’?! Gingrich now claims sitting on cozy sofa […] Ron Radosh The New York Times Continues its Paens to Tony Kushner- No Dissent Allowed Having spent days praising Tony Kushner as the cultural world’s greatest gift to America, today’s New York Times prints yet another op-ed in praise of the anti-Israeli playwright—this time by none other than our old friend, Roger Cohen. Using […]
The Iconoclast: JERRY GORDON Geert Wilders: A Warning to America Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011 Dear friends from Tennessee. I am very happy to be in your midst today. I am happy and proud to be in this impressive church. My friends, I am here to speak words of truth and freedom. Do you […] What is going on in the Middle East involves a tangled mess of intersecting factors. There is no single explanation for the unrest. Factors include demographics, failing economic policies, oppressive regimes, radical religion, and food. David Goldman (who writes in the Asia Times under the name of Spengler) first drew my attention to the […] This week’s syndicated column:: When (if) future historians look back to early 21st-century America, they should examine two cultural controversies of May 2011 for a quick read on Establishment sensibilities. One involves the bestowal, revocation and re-bestowal of an honorary degree on playwright Tony Kushner by CUNY, and one involves the invitation to Common, […]