ANDREW BOSTOM:Egyptian Democrats: “The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine” Andrew G. Bostom Egyptian Democrats: “The victory of our revolution will not be complete without the liberation of Palestine” More evidence of the true nature of the Arab Spring, which I have dubbed “Spring Time for Sharia in Araby.”  As Reuters reports from Alexandria, the purveyors of genocidal jihad martyrdom were out in force: […]

CAROLINE GLICK:Column One: Obama’s newest ambush Column One: Obama’s newest ambush Caroline B. Glick – The Jerusalem Post,  May 13th, 2011 Netanyahu doesn’t have to give in. He can stick to his guns and defend the country. It is hard to believe, but it appears that in the wake of the Palestinian unity deal that brings Hamas, the genocidal, al-Qaida-aligned, local […]

Creating Poverty Through ‘Social Justice’: Frank Salvato We have been hearing a lot about “social justice,” during the tenure of the Obama Administration. From Eric Holder to John Holdren, Lisa Jackson to Van Jones to President Obama himself, the goal of social justice appears to be at the forefront of Mr. Obama’s agenda for the country. But while the term sounds […]

ADRIAN MORGAN:Pakistan After Bin Laden: Rumors and Dissent The operation that resulted in the shooting of Osama bin Laden has elicited strong reactions, some positive, some negative. It is only to be expected that Islamists like Ismail Haniyeh (leader of Hamas in Gaza) would condemn the operation, referring to bin Laden as a “Holy Warrior”.  Anjem Choudary claimed that bin Laden’s supporters […]


Michael Lucas: A Gay Man For Israel Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Michael Lucas, the most mainstreamed, provocative, and controversial figure in gay adult entertainment today. A writer for the gay newsmagazine The Advocate, he describes himself as “a stranger among friends as I am a well-known gay man who […]

Israel Defunds the Hamas-Palestinian Authority Alliance Posted By P. David Hornik

Israel Defunds the Hamas-Palestinian Authority Alliance Posted By P. David Hornik In reaction to the Palestinian Authority-Hamas unity deal signed in Cairo last week, Israel decided to turn off the spigot. It halted the transfer to the PA of over $100 million in customs and tax revenues. Considering that, even under the right-of-center Netanyahu […]

KATHRYN LOPEZ: AN INTERVIEW WITH ERIK STAKELBECK Southern Exposure Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the war goes on. The threat of Islamic terrorism in the United States did not die with Osama bin Laden. That’s the portrait Erick Stakelbeck paints in investigatory detail in The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government Is Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat. Stakelbeck, a reporter for […]

RAYMOND IBRAHIM…OSAMA BIN LADEN: CHICKEN OR EGG? Osama Bin Laden: Chicken or Egg? It is a sign of the times that the media’s most celebrated “experts” cannot — or will not — distinguish between cause and effect. To posit the significance of Osama bin Laden’s demise, we must first decide which came first — the chicken or the egg? Quaint as […]

Yes Mr. President, I Do Want Alligators in My MoatBy Lauri B. Regan

Yes Mr. President, I Do Want Alligators in My MoatBy Lauri B. Regan In yet another one of Obama’s highly touted campaign speeches (are there any other type?), the President once again chose to use derisive rhetoric to whip up the masses against those horrible Republicans.  Obama attempted to put the GOP on the […]

MITT ROMNEY: ONE MAN DOWN….HE DID NOT CHANGE HIS MESSAGE More immediately for his Republican candidacy, the debate over ObamaCare and the larger entitlement state may be the central question of the 2012 election. On that question, Mr. Romney is compromised and not credible. If he does not change his message, he might as well try to knock off Joe Biden and get on […]