ROBIN SHEPHERD: THE UK’S DISASTROUS POLICY ON ISRAEL Britain’s policy on Israel a total mess By Robin Shepherd, March 31, 2011 The bizarre, contradictory mess that is British foreign policy towards Israel was on display yet again last week with that great stage of fools, the United Nations Human Rights Council, providing the setting. It rarely makes a difference what’s on the […]

WHAT SHOULD ASSAD’S FASHION PLATE WIFE WEAR TO THE REVOLUTION? CLAUDIA ROSETT Long ago and far away, when the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos fell in the Philippines, the dictator’s wife, Imelda, became an object of global ridicule for her extravagant wardrobe — especially her shoes. She had 2,700 pairs of shoes. When the Marcoses fled Manila for refuge in Hawaii, in February of 1986, Imelda left […]

“ARAB SPRING”BOARD FOR AL QAEDA? TERRORISTS ARE REAPING REWARDS FROM REVOLTING ARABS….RSK Arab Revolts Improve Al-Qaeda’s Strategic Position Posted By Brian Fairchild Some well-known commentators [1] have recently claimed that al-Qaeda has been diminished and made irrelevant because the popular uprisings in the Middle East are not motivated by radical Islam and are not controlled by al-Qaeda. This kind of […]

INCITEMENT BY PALARABS: THE ROLE OF J STREET Incitement by Palestinian Arabs: The Role of J Street By Lawrence W. White MD Incitement of Palestinian Arabs is a major reason for the absence of peace between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. Raising children to hate Israelis, and glorifying the killers of Jews as “martyrs”, has largely prevented any progress on peace between […]

FRENCH MUSLIM POLITICIAN WANTS MOSLEMS TO WEAR THE YELLOW STAR THEY FIRT IMPOSED ON JEWS LONG BEFORE THE NAZIS Muslim Politician: Muslims To Wear Yellow Star They First Imposed On Jews Abderrahmane Dahmane wants Muslims to wear a green star–equating the treatment of Muslims in France with the way Jews were treated by the Nazis: When the Germans occupied France in 1942, wearing a yellow star was imposed on all French and foreign […]

US SERVICEWOMEN ENCOURAGED TO DON HEADSCARVES IN AFGHANISTAN Don’t forget your hijab, soldier! American servicewomen encouraged to wear headscarves in Afghanistan Read more: In an effort to get closer to the local population, American female soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are being encouraged to wear a Muslim headscarf when interacting with civilians. But some question whether the practice constitutes cultural sensitivity or […]

ABDULATEEF AL-MULHIM, SAUDI COMMODORE(RET): US AND UK THINKTANKS THAT FAIL TO THINK ByABDULATEEF AL-MULHIM | ARAB NEWS US and British think tanks that failed to think “The think tank reports are written by people who are very professional writers — people who have the ability to put words together in a very beautiful way. I sure hope they don’t charge any money for their analysis or […]

THE “FLICKERING” LIGHTS OF JIHAD….DIANA WEST Reading an “old” (March 21) Telegraph analysis of the Libyan “rebels,” I came across this cute little detail about the family ties that bind al Qaeda and  the AQ-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG): Osama bin Laden’s inner circle includes Muhammad Hassan Qayid, known also as Abu Yahya al-Libi (above), the younger brother of the […]


Next Arab Facebook Campaign: Get Millions to Invade Israel ( Palestinian Authority activists have recreated the Third Intifada page that was banned by Facebook on Tuesday in response to thousands of member requests. An Israeli Cabinet minister, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and a massive Internet campaign were only some of the measures used to […]

WHO IS MUSA KUSA? AND WHAT’S IN A NAME?….SEE NOTE PLEASE FROM AN E-PA WHO SPEAKS HEBREW AND ARABIC: “Ruth, notice his name… Kouss in Hebrew (actually in Arabic) is woman’s vagina… and one of the juiciest curses in Arabic (and in Hebrew) is “kouss echtak” meaning Your sister’s vagina…” The Defection of Musa Kusa by Elliott Abrams On March 30, Libyan Foreign Minister Musa […]