BETWEEN CAESAR, GOD AND ALLAH:EDWARD CLINE A friend asked why Islam could not separate mosque from state as Christianity, after centuries of turmoil, war, and persecution, was able to separate church from state, and consequently become less of a peril to our freedoms. The first thing to come to mind in the way of a device to illustrate why Islam […]

RACHEL LIPSKY: A WARNING TO THE PROPONENTS OF INTERFAITH DIALOGUE All over the U.S in countless churches as well as Jewish temples, interfaith dialogues with Muslim leaders thrive. The typical formula for these gatherings is as follows: pastors and rabbis invite a Muslim speaker, at times a member of an affiliate Muslim Brotherhood organization. The Muslim speaker tells them what he/she would like them […]


Arming the Enemy in Libya Posted By Arnold Ahlert URL to article: The military mission America is helping to prosecute in Libya against Gaddafi has placed us into some questionable circles – to say the least. Libyan rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, in a recent interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, admitted that some […]

THE LIBYAN MUDDLE: JACOB LASKIN The Libyan Muddle Posted By Jacob Laksin President Obama faced a difficult task on Monday night as he delivered his much-belated address on the war in Libya: to convince not only a skeptical nation that the intervention is warranted, but also his own secretary of defense, who caused a panic in the administration over […]

ELECTIONS ARE COMING:IS THE RISING STAR OF THE TEA PARTIES MICHELE BACHMANN A POSSIBILITY? If Michele Bachmann decides to run for president, a likely possibility considering she will form an exploratory committee this summer, she could be a game-changer in Iowa — and possibly win the caucuses. “If she does decide to run, Iowa will be incredibly favorable. She’s a natural Tea Party type of a candidate,” says […]

STANLEY KURTZ: OBAMA’S WAR: MASSACRE PREVENTION As his speech tonight confirms, President Obama intervened in Libya to prevent a massacre in Benghazi. That is the long and short of it. Yes, he also hoped that his action would blunt Qaddafi’s counter-revolutionary stroke, thereby putting us “on the right side” of the emerging revolt in the Middle East (Hillary’s chief concern). […]

THRILLED BY THE “ARAB SPRING”…YOU’RE DELUSIONAL Fred Grandy has been a successful actor on television (The Love Boat), a four term congressman from Iowa, the CEO of Goodwill Industries, International, and until recently the host of The Grandy Group, a weekday morning news/talk radio program on WMAL in Washington, DC. So forgive me, esteemed elders of Fox News, if I […]

Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics: LEO RENNERT Wash. Post maligns Israel with misleading battlefield statistics Leo Rennert Benjamin Disraeli is credited with the saying that there are three kinds of lies — lies, damned lies and statistics.  The legendary British statesman could have spotted another example of his adage in an article in the March 28 edition of the Washington Post about […]


Hillary’s War By Victor Sharpe Let us first look back to the bombing of Serbia by President Clinton and who was most instrumental in encouraging him. According to Dean Murphy in the New York Times of October 2000, “Hillary Clinton called for the US to reject isolationism and aggressively engage itself in world affairs […]

Egypt—The Hangover Cairo’s liberals tell a different story than Team Obama. BRET STEPHENS Egypt—The Hangover Cairo’s liberals tell a different story than Team Obama. By BRET STEPHENS Cairo Talk to top U.S. officials here about how things are going in Egypt, and the gist of the answer reminds me of what Apollo XI astronaut Michael Collins told Mission Control while sailing over the Sea of Tranquility: “Listen, […]