ARAB CHRISTIANS IN AMERICA WANT TO ASSIMILATE AND DISTANCE THEMSELVES FROM MOSLEMS STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. — Arab Christians here are trying to separate themselves from a boisterous Muslim community that has served as a punching bag for “terrorism” stereotypes since Sept. 11. Many have moved to Detroit’s northern suburbs — Sterling Heights, Madison Heights, Farmington Hills and the Bloomfield areas — to get away from the […]


Musical Morons Ruth S. King Lorin Maazel was once hailed as a “wunderkind”…a child prodigy who started conducting only a few short years after being potty-trained. In fact, there is absolutely no doubt that his career in classical music is dazzling and spans decades of conducting the major orchestras in the world. However, in […]

GIULIO MEOTTI: BARENBOIM…. NO MAN OF PEACE….SEE NOTE,7340,L-4065676,00.html Barenboim no man of peaceOp-ed: Famed musician bashes Israel but says nothing in face of anti-Israeli violence hate Giulio Meotti  WHO SAYS MUSICIANS ARE SMART? PLEASE READ MUSICAL MORONS PUBLISHED IN 2008 ON LORIN MAAZEL AND DANIEL BARENBOIM It is difficult for those who enjoy Daniel Barenboim’s music to criticize an artist like […]

Europe: The Burka, Islam, and What Lies at the Heart of Jihadism by A. Millar

Europe: The Burka, Islam, and What Lies at the Heart of Jihadism by A. Millar Europe, apparently concerned by the growth of radical Islam, is increasingly looking for ways to contain it. In England, for example, Islamists were reported to be openly targeting women and homosexuals in London in an attempt to impose sharia […]

“Mastermind, direct supervisor and planner” of jihad attack on Baghdad church that murdered 70 grabs gun in prison, 17 more killed “Mastermind, direct supervisor and planner” of jihad attack on Baghdad church that murdered 70 grabs gun in prison, 17 more killed “The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death.” — Afghan jihadist Maulana Inyadullah “Officials: Iraqi prisoner grabs gun; firefight leaves 17 dead,” by Mohammed Tawfeeq for CNN, May 8 (thanks to Harry): Baghdad (CNN) […]

SHEEPSHEAD BAY, BROOKLYN: RESIDENTS OPPOSE MEGA MOSQUE Kudos to the good neighbors of Voorhies Avenue, who are fighting the Muslim Brotherhood (MAS) multi-storied mosque on the quiet residential street, Voorhies Avenue, in Sheepshead Bay. A leader of the group behind this mosque,  the Muslim American Society (MAS), said this week that there “was nothing wrong with” Osama bin Laden’s dream of […]

ISRAEL AT 63: A SUCCESS STORY For all that we are threatened in our narrow strip of land, we are also unprecedentedly strong. Celebrating the 63rd anniversary of Israel, one cannot help but be struck by the incongruity of conflating an ancient people, perhaps the world’s oldest still extant, with a birthday age befitting a baby boomer. Indeed, many of […]

“SPRING” FIRE IN CAIRO….MOSLEM RIOTS LEAVE 12 DEAD CAIRO (AP) – Relations between Egypt’s Muslims and Christians degenerated to a new low Sunday with riots that left 12 people dead and a church burned, adding to the disorder of the country’s post-revolution transition to democracy. The attack on the church was the latest sign of assertiveness by an extreme, ultraconservative movement of […]

A MISTAKE OF PRINCIPLE…JEFFREY WIESENFELD NEVER HAD A CHANCE AGAINST KUSHNER ‘A Mistake of Principle’Jeffrey Wiesenfeld never had a chance against Tony Kushner. “Mr. Wiesenfeld’s “mistake” was not appreciating that hostility to Israel has become such a deeply embedded principle of the modern academy that objecting to it earns you denunciation as a censor and philistine. The only greater uproar might have come if CUNY’s […]

ISRAEL: SILENCE, SOLDIERS AND SWITICHING GEARS By STEWART WEISS Israelis have to be adept at moving quickly from sorrow to celebration, from despair to iron resolve. Shortly after our eldest son, Ari, fell in battle in Nablus almost nine years ago, I went shopping for a car. The salesman was quite surprised when I told him I wanted a manual […]