The Justice Department Fix Is In Posted By J. Christian Adams The Justice Department Fix Is In Posted By J. Christian Adams Americans are good and decent people who don’t expect armed thugs at the polls when they go to vote. We do expect our government to do something about it after thugs appear. When Americans conclude their government has sided with thugs, and against […]


From Bloomberg to NPR: Selling out to Shariah for Fun and Profit By Stella Paul To you and me, the brutal Islamic law of Shariah is a nightmare; to America’s elites, it’s a cutting-edge growth industry. This is a tale of three appalling twerps who sold out America’s freedom, each in his or her […]

DAPHNE ANSON: CHILDREN OF A MARTYR RACE Things really have got to a shameful state when posting photographs of dead Israeli children provokes more condemnation than do the monstrous acts of evil men that caused those children to lose their lives.   Children of the Martyr Race Harrowing photographs of the Fogel Family following their cold-blooded slaughter – reportedly at the hands of members of the […]


Miral: A Review Kyle Smith “I love the state of Israel,” the artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel has been quoted as saying, though his latest film, Miral, feels more like a love-hate relationship between Schnabel and Israel. Minus the love. Schnabel, the painter who received an Oscar nomination for directing The Diving Bell and […]

MARK STEYN: THE SAD IRRELEVANCE OF THE CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS In my piece on the Itamar massacre, I made a passing reference to “the sad, irrelevant fool” who heads the Canadian Jewish Congress, twittering away about irrelevant “ugly anonymity” online but with nothing to say about the decapitation of a three-month old Jewish baby – for the crime of being a three-month old Jewish baby. […]

Gaddafi Mocks Obama and the West: Mr. President You Can’t Vote ‘Present’ As Leader of the Free World

Gaddafi Mocks Obama and the West: Mr. President You Can’t Vote ‘Present’ As Leader of the Free World Posted by Peter Schweizer Now that the west has refused to take any military action to help the rebels fighting Gaddafi,  the Crazy Colonel has been emboldened.   “Strike Libya?”  he said in a speech yesterday.  ”We’ll be […]

THE SULTAN: THE POST AMERICAN LIBERAL CULTURE Even as an NPR associate was admitting that it had marginalized itself by targeting a liberal culture elite (which she generously estimated at 11 percent of the country), David Brooks was making the case that America needs PBS to provide it with a common culture. So which is it. Is public broadcasting the realm […]

ROBERT SPENCER; THE KING HEARINGS SHINE A LIGHT ON MUSLIM EVASION OF RESPONSIBILITY Despite an all-out propaganda offensive by the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its useful idiots in the mainstream media, Rep. Peter King (R.-N.Y.) went ahead last week with his hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in the U.S.  King had allowed himself to be cowed by his opponents, striking several useful witnesses […]

Canada: Mounties bring charges against al-Qaeda suspects, including former U of Manitoba student Canada: Mounties bring charges against al-Qaeda suspects, including former U of Manitoba student When this story first broke, the Muslim community was quick to complain it felt “stressed” over the investigation — not so much, apparently, over the suspects’ disappearance or their potential victims. This, of course, has become standard operating procedure: try to […]

Canada’s Multicultural Trap: A Country Under Siege by Christine Williams

Canada’s Multicultural Trap: A Country Under Siege by Christine Williams Multiculturalism in Canada contains loopholes that threaten Canada’s homeland security, national identity and democratic heritage as well as pose a threat to the United States of which it borders. Although the Canadian Multicultural Act celebrates the racial diversity of Canada, and is harmless in […]