Editor’s Notes: The guy with the bandage By DAVID HOROVITZ Four months after she was shot in the head, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords flew to Florida this week to watch her astronaut husband’s shuttle take-off. Bernard Bar-Natan, a former IDF combat medic with an inquisitive mind and a great deal of tenacity, may have played […] Politically incorrect comic unlikely ever to host annual ‘nerd senior prom’ of White House Correspondents’ Association BEN BIRNBAUM “On the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.: “If [Sen. John] McCain did the same thing, if McCain went to a Ku Klux Klan meeting every day for 20 years, do you think he could’ve gotten away […] ‘Here’s to al-Qaeda’ Even mob lawyers are more intellectually honest than the al-Qaeda Seven and their apologists. Nearly 20 years ago, I asked the late William Kunstler about his philosophy of lawyering. A flamboyant leftist who proudly represented jihadists just as he proudly represented many other anti-American radicals, Bill succinctly replied, “Everybody’s entitled to […] Note that the accomplice-media is silent on the systemic treason of the Obama administration. Granting citizenship to terror-tied convicts. Oh and yes, let’s put extremist Muslims in the general prison population, knowing what we know about the radicalization of our prisons. Three Convicted in Terror-Related Cases Later Granted U.S. Citizenship by Obama Administration CNS […] Mahmoud Abbas, our supposed “peace” partner, has now joined forces with Hamas, the acknowledged terrorist group. This is actually a declaration of war against the state of Israel since Hamas has never disguised its intentions of destroying Israel. The PLO has used the diplomatic track, hoping to delude Israelis and the world with its words of […]
No Return to the 1967 Borders In an interview with the German news paper Der Spiegel, the late Israeli diplomat Abba Eban, described Israel’s pre-Six-Day War borders as “Auschwitz” lines. Eban, a lifetime dove, vowed: “With Syrians on the mountain and we in the valley, with the Jordanian army in sight of the sea, […]
My thoughts on the election of 2012 ‘I now believe President Barack Obama will be reelected, and although anything can happen between now and Election Day, I expect to be casting my vote for him.” HE WAS A COLORFUL, HONEST AND VIGOROUS MAYOR WHO SURROUNDED HIMSELF WITH CRONIES AND CROOKS…AND HIS LEGACY WAS TOTALLY DUSTED […] Reform Jews across America took out an ad that appeared this week in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal and national Jewish Newspaper, The Forward. The group calls themselves Jews Against Divisive Leadership (JADL). They were objecting to the patent Anti-Israel stands of the new Reform Movement President designee, Rabbi Richard Jacobs, the ‘visionary’ spiritual […] Islamic law class to be taught next semester By Erin Cole JEFF RENTZ DISSEMBLES A BIT HERE….SHARIA LAW MEANS GUILTY IF YOU ARE AN INFIDEL….SENTENCE TO BE DETERMINED….DOES HE KNOW A THING ABOUT US CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, OR NAPOLEONIC LAW?…WHAT AN ASS….RSK Earlier this semester, Jeff Renz, a law professor at The University of Montana, […] Obama’s ‘Anti-missilephobia’ Center for Security Policy | Apr 26, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. What are we to make of Barack Obama’s attitude towards U.S. missile defenses? His past positions, his actions as president to date and the secret negotiations his administration currently has underway with Russia bespeak an alarming, ideologically driven hostility to the […]