US-Israel Ties: A Two Way Street Mutually-Beneficial Relationship Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative” Home Passover Hymn, Da’ye’nu: “How many degree of beneficence hath the Almighty conferred upon us?! If He had brought us forth from Egypt, and had not executed judgment upon the Egyptians, it would have sufficed (Da’ye’nu)… If He had inflicted […] Addressing the divide defining the decisive divide Israel is a nation of many conflicting views and contrasting hues—radical secularism alongside religious orthodoxy; stern eastern traditionalism adjacent to indulgent western hedonism; socialist egalitarianism juxtaposed to free wheeling market enterprise; the customs of the Baltic abutting the norms of the Mughrab… In general, these are lines […] Trump Needs to Shift to Second Gear on Birth Certificate Challenge By Carol A. Taber According to the typical liberal media narrative, those of us who have questioned President Obama’s life documents are kooks. Nuts. Creeps. “Birthers.” When Donald Trump raises issues with the birth certificate, members of the left, right, and center assume […]
Canada Promotes “The Mullahs’ Voice”by Christine Williams While the Canadian International Council is set to sponsor an Ottawa event on May 5th, entitled, “Iran in Context: Global and Regional Implications” ostensibly to focus on “political and security issues,” the event has drawn a strong protest letter that includes signatories from a broad multicultural spectrum […]
” The Palestinians consider Jordan the eastern part of Palestine, and the Hashemites as intruders — even occupiers. Nonetheless, the heavily-armed minority Bedouin tribes have been openly calling for the Palestinians to be “kicked out.” This hostility would seriously escalate should the Palestinian Authority turn into a state. It would give the Bedouins minority the […] What Passover Means To Me Ruth King On April 18th, 2011 Jews all over the world, Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, will set aside political partisanship and celebrate the first night of Passover, a holiday to commemorate the Exodus, when Moses led the Jewish people to freedom from slavery and hardship under the cruel Egyptian Pharaoh. […]
AN E-PAL NRG SENT THIS … These segments of the Glenn Beck Program aired on April 15th are poignant. They feature extensive interviews with three articulate spokesmen for Israel: Rabbi Potasnik, Pastor Hagee and Dore Gold. Glenn Beck does an excellent job in shaping the presentation. That Beck is regarded as antisemitic by many in the Jewish world is beyond amazing. […] EDWARD CLINE Appropriately, on April 1st, The Washington Post, in its continuing state of dhimmitude, allowed Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of the Cordoba Initiative and promoter of the Park51 mosque near Ground Zero, to serve Americans a smorgasbord of Islamic taqiyya, “Five myths about Muslims in America.”Taqiyya is the Islamic practice of saying […] REMEMBER WHEN CONDI RICE POSITIVELY GUSHED ABOUT AMERICA’S NEW BUDDY IN TRIPOLI?….RSK ROBERT MENDIK Libyan dissident who photographed the death of Yvonne Fletcher speaks out against the Gaddafi regime The Libyan dissident who took the historic picture of Yvonne Fletcher lying wounded in the street after being shot by a bullet fired from the […] F. Scott Fitzgerald said that the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in the mind simultaneously was a mark of genius. If that were true, the U.S. government must be full of geniuses. Consider: it was just a week or two ago that everyone from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., sort of, SC) to Gen. […]