…ANDREW BOSTOM More Islamic Hypocrisy: Jordan to ‘Try’ Danish Cartoonist for ‘Blasphemy’ Andrew G. Bostom More evidence of institutional Islam’s 24/7 hypocrisy via The Daily Telegraph: A Jordanian court will try Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard over a controversial caricature of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed. Zakarya Sheikh, spokesman for a group of local media outlets […] Atlas Shrugged Part I By Richard Baehr Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead was published in 1943, and a film version was released in 1949. It took a bit longer to get Atlas Shrugged to the screen. Rand’s lengthy book, a 12 year effort for the author, was published in 1957, and 54 years later, Part […] As many of you discovered before me (due to the fact I just woke up), Arrigoni’s body has been found. Hamas condemned the murder, on the grounds it harms the palestinians goals (not on moral grounds). Hamas’ Interior Ministry called a special press conference following the recovery of the Italian peace activist’s body in […]
OIC Reiterates Continued Support to the Goldstone Report The International Herald Tribune reports that 3 colleagues of Goldstone accuse him of having collapsed under pressure… The Organization of the Islamic Conference has, on Monday 4 April 2011, reiterated its support for the Goldstone report, which clearly convicted Israel of committing war crimes in the […] So, the ides in April is the 13th, not the 15th, and Tax Day this year, if you keep track of these things, is not until the 18th. But most of us, being sentimental, will always regard today — that’s April 15 — as the real Tax Day. Hence the multiple tea-party rallies scheduled […] AND WHEN WILL ALL THOSE GROUPIES WHO CHEERED THE US WAR AGAINST THE WRONG SIDE IN THE BALKANS ADMIT THEY WERE WRONG AND OPENED THE WAY FOR MONSTERS AND JIHADISTS IN KOSOVO AND BOSNIA?RSK Elie Wiesel resigns from the “Genocide Institute Canada,” dissociates himself from Emir Ramic “Elie Wiesel cannot sit together with Emir […] “Really Hate Ya ‘Cause Your Feets Uncovered?”—Beyond Facial Veiling for US Muslims American Islam’s Morbid Variant on Fats Waller In light of the heated debate over the so-called “burqa ban” in France, I consulted the website of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA [2])—the mainstream Islamic organization that trains US imams, and […] JULIA GORIN IS A NATURAL RESOURCE WHO HAS BEEN TELLING THE HISTORY AND FACTS AND TRUTH ABOUT SERBIA FOR YEARS IN SPITE OF THE NEO-CONSERVATIVES’ SUPPORT FOR KOSOVO AND CLINTON’S ILLEGAL WAR ON SERBIA…..RSK I got the following quote via a 2009 email from Doris Wise Montrose, president of the Los Angeles chapter of […]
Why Are The Republicans So Silent On The Falling Dollar? Seth Lipsky, 04.14.11, 12:01 AM ET The most astounding feature of the political fray as the 2012 election comes into view is that not a single Republican other than Congressman Ron Paul is stepping forward to brand as his or her own the issue […]
Thor, Green Lantern and Captain America–and Capt. Israel Posted By Moshe Phillips New movie adaptations featuring comic book heroes Thor, Green Lantern and Captain America are all due out this summer and are generating tremendous media attention already. And that’s with the first movie, Thor, not arriving in theaters until May 6. The launch of […]