Operation Cast Lead II Mark Silverberg http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9223/pub_detail.asp In March, Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the West Bank community of Itamar and murdered five people in their sleep, including three young children. Days later, a bomb exploded at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing one woman and wounding dozens more. This was followed by a Hamas missile attack on […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.1685/pub_detail.asp Appeals court stops Ariz. immigration law (WT) Japan Nuclear Disaster Put on Par With Chernobyl (NYT) Romney takes first official step towards running for president (CNN) Libyan refugees will come to Jersey (THE US REPORT) Missouri Democrat Attorney General Says He Opposes ObamaCare – Urged A Federal Judge To Invalidate The Central Provision Of […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/04/12/vive-la-burqa/ Women are fighting in the streets of Paris. Alas, they are not fighting against Islamic gender apartheid—they are not protesting arranged marriage or honor killings. Instead, they are fighting for the right to veil their faces. On April 11th, two veiled women were arrested for participating in an illegal demonstration about this issue. Sixty-one […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2011/04/12/france-enables-an-islamist-takeover-of-ivory-coast/print/ Posted By Joseph Klein Ironically, on the very day that France’s law banning the wearing of full-face coverings went into effect, French military forces helped Muslims add another country in Africa to their growing Caliphate – the Ivory Coast. The French, the former colonial rulers in the Ivory Coast, forced the surrender of former […]
http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/264456 Moral Monsters in Afghanistan and Moral Idiots in America Apologies for the murders in Afghanistan exhibit a bigotry of low expectations. Given the preoccupation of the American media with the possible shutdown of the American government, and the preoccupation of American and world media with Japan’s travails and the revolts in the Arab world, […]
America’s Next Top Energy Slogan What, exactly, does “clean energy” mean? Robert Bryce http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/264394 Last month, the Department of Energy launched a competition called “America’s Next Top Energy Innovator.” According to Energy Secretary Steve Chu, the effort will “unleash America’s innovation machine and win the global race for the clean energy jobs of the future.” […]
http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2011/04/say-it-aint-so-shmuely-boteach-calls.html Say it ain’t so: Shmuely Boteach calls Samantha Power one of his heroes SEE VIDEO AT THE SITE Oy vey…. I knew I wasn’t going to like this article when in the second paragraph, Orthodox Rabbi Shmuely Boteach described the Irish-born shikse married to a JINO (Jew in Name Only) as ‘one of my […]
http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/1759/More-Catch-and-Release-Madness.aspx Where’s Captain Bligh when we need him? — Catch-and-release wrought tragedy and injustice in Iraq; it does the same thing in Afghanistan. Now, it also rules the waves — but first, a halal meal: From the Daily Mail Via Vlad Tepes: “HMS Nursemaid: Shame as Navy seizes 17 armed Somalis, gives them halal meat and […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/the-new-weathermen/ Recently, pretty much on a whim, I decided to monitor the accuracy of radio and TV weather reports, since these affect our daily behavior in all sorts of different ways: what we wear, whether we go in to work or not, look to the repair of the shutters, go up on the ladder to […]
http://www.forward.com/articles/135769/#ixzz1JJCj4xMl What the Civil War Meant for American Jews Now and Then By Jonathan D. Sarna LIBRARY OF CONGRESS When Our House Was Divided: The Battle of Gettysburg, depicted above, was a key moment in the Civil War. The 150th anniversary of the Civil War is upon us. April 12 is the anniversary of the […]