ISRAEL’S UNIQUE CONTRIBUTION TO VITAL US INTERESTS….YORAM ETTINGER,7340,L-4030523,00.html ISRAEL THE UNIQUE ALLY IN THE MOST TURBULENT REGION IN THE WORLD TODAY The seismic developments in Egypt and throughout the Arab Middle East highlight Israel’s unique contribution to vital US interests. The significance of Israel’s strategic added-value is underlined by uncertain and shifty Arab ideologies, policies, alliances and allegiances, by the increasing vulnerability […]


The Middle East’s New Energy Giant The significance of Israel’s natural gas deposits.By MICHAEL MAKOVSKY Israelis have always lamented that Moses led the ancient Israelites to the one patch of land in the Middle East bereft of energy resources. It turns out the sea offered more promise. At the end of December, a huge […]

OUR AFGHAN “ALLY” PREACHES ISLAMIC INFIDEL HATRED- DESPITE UNCLE SUCKER’S LARGESSE Our Afghan Ally Preaches Islamic Jew-(and Other Infidel) Hatred—Despite Uncle Sucker’s Largesse Posted By Andrew Bostom On February 19, 2011 The fount of Afghan jihadism and Jew- and other infidel hatred Historical [1] note to “Afghan imams wage political battle against U.S.,” published 2/17/11 in the Washington Post [2]: The small and brutally oppressed […]

US RESTRICTS STAFF MOVEMENT IN PALARAB AREAS… US restricts staff movement in Palestinian areas By DIAA HADID, JERUSALEM – The U.S. consulate in Jerusalem is restricting staff movement in some Palestinian areas of the West Bank. It comes a day after the U.S. vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned Israel’s policy of building Jewish-only settlements in […]

RACHEL LIPSKY: WE ARE LOSING THE BATTLE AGAINST ISLAMISM We’re Losing the Battle Against Islamism Posted By Rachel Lipsky “For now, interfaith dialogues provide quenching Kool-Aid for spineless leaders as the innocent masses remain oblivious and in danger — while the Islamists laugh all the way to Mecca.” One positive outcome to draw from Egypt’s crisis is the public’s elevated awareness about the […]

THE JEWISH DHIMMIS OF OLD MOROCCO: DAPHNE ANSON…SEE NOTE Getting Ahead as a Jewish Dhimmi in Old Morocco … SO MUCH FOR THAT MYTH OF THE ” GOLDEN ERA” OF JEWISH/ARABMOSLEM COMMITY…..RSK In May 1906 a British writer and traveller called J. Budgett Meakin gave a talk on his impressions of Moroccan Jewry to the East London Communal League at the East London […]

TIME PLACE AND IDENTITY: A REMARKABLE AND INSPIRING SPEECH BY PROFESSOR DANIEL SHALIT Time, place and identity on the settlements….”In short: these hills were and still are the backbone of Jewish identity. Without them, Tel-Aviv is devoid of all meaning or justification, and Israel is really just a colonizing power. With them, Israel is not colonization, but homecoming.” In this post I wish to share with my readers an essay […]

WHERE DID OBAMA FIND THESE GUYS? WES PRUDEN Where did Barack Obama get these guys? Presidents good and bad have learned not to expect too much from the intelligence agencies, the distributors of expensive clappertrap over the years, but this week the two top spooks revealed just how much they don’t know — and, given the president’s own romantic view of Islam, […]

DEMOCRACY IN FLAMES: THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP Friday Afternoon Roundup – Democracy in Flames As the Middle East violence continues, we move on to Bahrain for a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Saudi forces are battling Shiite protesters in the streets. Naturally the media is misreporting this as government atrocities against democracy protesters. When actually it’s another Sunni-Shiite civil […]


Home This sure is welcome news…and although I loathe Ron Paul and dislike Rand Paul….I think foreign aid to Israel must to be reevaluated. It has been a litmus test for legislators …a fig leaf to paper over their support for policies that are inimical to the survival of Israel and a weapon to bludgeon […]