SCHOOL CHILDREN’S VISIT TO HEBRON SPARKS ANGER WHAT A HOOT….”PEACE TALKS” ARE ALWAYS ON THE BRINK O FBEING O THE BRINK OF THE BRINK…AND HEBRON IS AS HOLY TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE AS JERUSALEM….RSK “It is a place of emotional, religious and historical power,” Saar, a leading member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party, told Israel Radio on Wednesday. “It […]

PRESIDENT OBAMA PREVARICATES President Obama Tells President Obama: YOU LIE Based on the universally lousy reception to the budget offered yesterday, the President had an emergency press conference this morning to deflect the criticism and try to take control of the narrative. He was unsuccessful.  One would wonder why the White House Press corps would rush the […]

DIANA WEST: THE CRUEL PUNISHMENT OF SGT. LAWRENCE HUTCHINS Seven enlisted Marines and one Navy corpsman were convicted in the Hamandiya killing. As the squad leader, Hutchins received the longest sentence. All of the others are now freed; none served more than 18 months. He’s in — on a sentence far longer than any of his now-free co-defendants — he’s out; he’s free, gets […]

REP. PETER KING:”AL QAEDA ACTIVELY RECRUITING IN THE US!! Peter King: Al-Qaida Recruiting Killers Inside USA By Henry J. Reske and Ashley Martella Al-Qaida now is recruiting home-grown killers within the United States, declares House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King. That’s why he has set hearings for next month on the radicalization of American Muslims, the Long Island Republican told Newsmax.TV in […]

ADRIAN MORGAN: THE ISLAMIST TAKEOVER BEGINS IN EGYPT**** The Egyptian privately-owned news website Almasry Alyoum reported yesterday that the new head of Egypt’s constitutional reform panel is a “moderate Islamist.” Passing over the confusion of what a “moderate Islamist” could be, the man is Judge Tarek al-Beshry (also spelled al-Bishry). This man is described by Xinhuanet as “a respected former head of […]


Yesterday I got hundreds of e-mails of the video where Niall Ferguson goes head to head with a reporter, and about the debate that Robert Spencer had with a Moslem apologist. People don’t want air brushed analyses…they want the facts and are tired of the poster boys for moderation that are on all the shows […]

ISLAM + DEMOCRACY= ISLAM….EDWARD CLINE Islam is Islamism. It is not salvageable as a moral guide to living on earth. There is no reason to wish to preserve it in any form. In a February 9th interview of Middle East expert Daniel Pipes by Yosef Rapaport, “Analyzing the Turmoil (in Egypt),”Pipes reveals that while he has an intimate and […]


Published on The Weekly Standard ( Professional Islamists Stephen Suleyman Schwartz: His background is on the political left, but he now describes himself as a neoconservative.[1]In 1997, he became Muslim. He selectively omits his tell all middle name….this particular column is quite good….rsk The Muslim Brotherhood’s long march through the institutions.Stephen Schwartz In all countries, […]

THE THREAT POSED BY THE CHAVEZ/AHMADINEJAD AXIS….OMINOUS The ominous threat posed by the Chavez-Ahmadinejad Axis…. MATTHEW VADUM The next 9/11-style terrorist attack may originate from the unlikeliest of places: socialist Venezuela. This is because that country’s Marxist president, Hugo Chavez, who has been busy creating his own version of the Warsaw Pact, is dropping hints that his nation’s territory might be […]

RACHEL CARSON THE MUSE OF THE JUNK SCIENCE THAT DOOMED MILLIONS TO DEATH IN AFRICA Honoring a Killer Posted By Tait Trussell Is there any chance that sponsoring a dance contest may be a touch far afield for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)? Isn’t the agency more accustomed to clamping down on factories with greenhouse gas emissions, which forces more unemployment? Fear not about wise use of your tax […]