ROBERT SPENCER ON HOROWITZ VS. SUHAIL….. Horowitz vs. Khan Posted By Robert Spencer [Editor’s note: Below is Robert Spencer’s analysis of the recent debate between David Horowitz and Suhail Khan on Hannity — which Spencer shows successfully smoked out Khan as an Islamic supremacist. See also Frank Gaffney’s memorandum for members of the board of directors of the American Conservative […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: BANGLADESH TODAY, EGYPT TOMORROW? Bangladesh Today, Egypt Tomorrow The long-term strategy for enforcing sharia law. James Clapper issued a clarification last week. Within hours of testifying to Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “largely secular” organization, he clarified that he had meant to say the Muslim Brotherhood is not a secular organization. Clapper, the Obama administration’s national […]

DAVID SOLWAY: CAN SARAH UPSTAGE BARACK?….PLEASE SEE NOTE Can Sarah Upstage Barack? Posted By David Solway I LIKE PALIN AND ADMIRE HER BUT MY OWN RESPONSE TO HER PUTATIVE CANDIDACY IS DON’T SARAH…DON’T DON’T DON’T…..THE STAKES IN THE NEXT ELECTION ARE TOO HIGH……RSK Let me begin with a paradox. The more Sarah Palin seems unelectable, the more electable she may actually be. […]

KORANIC DISSIMULATION: A DEBATE BETWEEN ROBERT SPENCER AND MICHAEL GHOUSE….BY ANDREW BOSTOM Andrew G. Bostom Yesterday (2/14/11) Sean Hannity asked about Koran sanctioned lying/ dissimulation (or “taqiyya”) during a debate between Robert Spencer and Michael Ghouse. Spencer appropriately cited Koran 3:28, and alluded to one classical Koranic commentary on this verse. Below are two translations of Koran 3:28 and its mainstream exegesis or interpretation from classical […]


Liberal operatives have launched an anti-Issa crusade Ed Lasky Here we go again — the politics of personal destruction. Liberal operatives have launched an assault on Congressman Darrell Issa (Republican Congressman) to try to silence him and put an end to the investigations he has started to reveal what the Obama administration has been […]

TIME TO DEFEND THE WEST: ROBERT WEISSBERG Time to Defend the West By Robert Weissberg Europe finally appears to be waking up to the dangers of multiculturalism. Last October German Chancellor Angela Merkel confessed that multiculturalism was “a total failure” and British Prime Minister David Cameron more recently agreed, even linking “state multiculturalism” to Islamic terrorism. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is […]

THE COMEDY OF LEGAL ERRORS AGAINST CHEVRON Shakedown in Ecuador The comedy of legal errors against Chevron. Woody Allen made “Bananas” in 1971 about a South American banana republic, but as a slapstick comedy it’s hard to beat this week’s $8.6 billion judgment against Chevron by a provincial court in Ecuador. The only thing more preposterous than the case is that […]

ALEX JOFFE: ON JORDAN’S HASHEMITE ROYALTY The Tribes Speak By Alex Joffe Unrest is spreading in the Middle East, but everywhere it displays a unique character. Take Jordan. In an unprecedented public letter to King Abdullah II, thirty-six of the country’s tribal leaders have warned that “Jordan will sooner or later be the target of an uprising similar to the […]

MARK DURIE:FEAR OF ISLAM: FACTS FUEL GROWING UNEASE Fear of Islam: Facts fuel growing unease Fear of Islam in the News Fear of Islam has become news. Time magazine’s cover story of August 2010 was “Is America Islamophobic?” Bobby Ghosh wrote: “… where ordinary Americans meet Islam, there is evidence that suspicion and hostility are growing. To be a Muslim in America […]

SAN DIEGO:”DEVOUTLY MUSLIM” CAB DRIVER PLOWS INTO CROWD…EVOLVING STORY San Diego: “Devoutly Muslim” cab driver plows into crowd outside nightclub, injuring 23 The details are murky and disputed, but here are the basic facts: “Taxi Plows Into Crowd in San Diego,” from, February 12: SAN DIEGO — A taxi cab driver plowed slowly into a crowd on a sidewalk in San Diego’s […]