SEN. GRASSLEY PROBES THE SLAYING OF A BORDER AGENT IN A LETTER TO THE DOJ AND ERIC HOLDER Sen. Grassley probes border agent slaying Jerry Seper The ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee wants Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to explain why Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents allowed suspected gun smugglers to purchase and keep assault rifles that later may have been used in the fatal […]

PATRIOT ACTS PASSES IN THE HOUSE AFTER INITIAL VOTE AGAINST IT SEAN LENGELL The House on Monday passed another extension of the almost decade-old USA Patriot Act — six days after an initial attempt to pass the anti-terrorism law failed in the Republican-controlled chamber to the surprise of GOP leaders. The bill, which needed a simple majority, easily passed 275-144. The measure was supported by 210 […]

MOSLEM DECEPTION AT CPAC…..SEE NOTE CHECK OUT THE DISINFORMATION SPREAD BY MUSLIMS FOR AMERICA AT THEIR SITE: The Muslims For America group was distributing the above flier at the Conservative Political Conference; you can read the full text here. In 2009, when Pamela Geller brought Geert Wilders to CPAC with my assistance, Muslims For America distributed a flier […]

CAL THOMAS: EGYPT’S DIM FUTURE The events of recent days in Egypt offer a sober lesson to westerners who think the uprising that ousted President Hosni Mubarak resembles the American Revolution. Much of the television commentary revealed complete ignorance about the history of the region and of Egypt and especially the clear and present danger of a theocratic coup […]

MOSHE PHILLIPS:FATAH… A CLONE OF THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD? Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood? Gaza’s Hamas? Lebanon’s Hezbollah? Dalal Mughrabi proves Fatah is No Different! Posted By Moshe Phillips Much ink has been spilled over the last several weeks over questions about the Muslim Brotherhood. How powerful is it? How extreme is it? How dangerous is the group? Are they sponsors of terrorism? No doubt […]

CAROLINE GLICK: THE TEETERING PEACE One of the first casualties of the Egyptian revolution may very well be Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel. The Egyptian public’s overwhelming animus towards Jews renders it politically impossible for any Egyptian leader to come out in support of the treaty. Over the weekend, the junta now ruling Egypt refused to explicitly commit themselves […]

STEPHEN MOORE BREAKS DOWN THE PRESIDENT’S SPENDING AND TAXING PLANS Obama’s ‘Keynesian Misadventure’ By STEPHEN MOORE There’s a dispute simmering between the White House and House Republicans about how much the budget increased during President Obama’s first two years in office. To settle that dispute, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin just updated the numbers on how much was appropriated and how […]

GABRIEL SCHOENFELD REVIEWS “INSIDE WIKILEAKS” A TELL ALL MEMOIR BY DANIEL DOMSCHEIT-BERG Radical Transparency A tell-all memoir offers unflattering details about Julian Assange and his tell-all organization. by Gabriel Schoenfeld Mr. Schoenfeld, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C. and a resident scholar at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., is author of “Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of […]


OBAMA’S BUDGET BLUFF By DICK MORRIS & EILEEN MCGANN Published on on February 14, 2011 The Obama Administration and its acolytes on the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction commission are propagating the myth that it is Social Security and Medicare that are driving the deficit over $1.5 trillion. Discretionary spending, they plead, is but a tiny […]


Darfur survivor/educator in W. Hart. 2/19 Darfur survivor/educator in W. Hart. Posted by CindyMindell In September 2004, then-Pres. George W. Bush declared the government-sponsored killings and humanitarian crisis in southern Sudan a “genocide,” the first time a sitting American president had made such a statement regarding an ongoing conflict. Darfur was in the news again […]