YES BILL KRISTOL..WE WANT FREEDOM BUT NOT JIHAD IN EGYPT “So please, Mr. Islamic scholar Kristol, explain all of the jihadists and home grown terrorists born and raised in Western nations. Think, man. Quoting Robert Spencer, “Muslims are the first immigrant group that has ever come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government they believe to be superior to what […]

THE EGYPT SUPPORT RALLIES IN NEW YORK FOMENT HATRED OF AMERICA AND ISRAEL The leftist/Islamic alliance in the West is fomenting and inciting hate against America and Israel in Egypt and outside of Egypt. These nazi-inspired propagandists are working feverishly for the next holocaust and the abrupt end of American hegemony in the region, and across the world. That Obama is aligned with these groups is catastrophic. […]

HUGH FITZGERALD ON NICHOLAS KRSTOFF AND EDWARD MORTIMER AND KHOMEINI**** Friday, 4 February 2011 A Tribute To Edward Mortimer More than five years ago I put up the following. I’ve reposted this blast or post from the past because it does not date, and has relevance today, what with all the hysterical enthusiasm, displayed by the likes of Nicholas Kristof, who today informed the […]

THEN AND NOW…ON IRAN AND NOW EGYPT: ROGER KIMBALL Then and Now, Or, remember Iran as you think about Egypt Posted By Roger Kimball As you ponder what the Obama administration means by “now” — the time for Hosni Mubarak to begin the transition of power, Obama said [1]again yesterday, is “now” — close your eyes and think back, back, all the way […]

THE “TRUSTING KHOMEINI” SYNDROME, REDUX? ANDREW BOSTOM ***** The “Trusting Khomeini” Syndrome, Redux? By Andrew Bostom Falk’s imaginary Ayatollah, circa February, 1979: Having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on non-violent tactics. Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country. If this is true, then indeed the exotic […]

DIANA WEST:IN AFGHANISTAN WE HAVE ENBABLED A THEOCRATIC POLICE STATE Five years ago, the story of Abdul Rahman, a Christian convert from Islam under prosecution for his faith in US-“liberated” Afghanistan, did not make the pages of the New York Times. The Chicago Tribune reported the story in the most vivid terms (the lead prosecutor, the Trib reported, called Rahman “a microbe in society,” […]

NIDRA POLLER: THE GREAT MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY SHOW HITS A BUMP The Great Middle Eastern Democracy Show Hits a Bump by Nidra Poller (February 2011) Those who truly desire the liberation of the submissive subjects of the oummah will not be fooled by the Democracy Show playing in Tunisia, Egypt, and wherever else it can be produced. Tunisia was a pushover. Egypt may well turn […]


URL to article: Egypt, the Muslim brotherhood & Oyster Stew Posted By Roger Kimball What do you think of these headlines from today’s news?: * Egypt’s Brotherhood to hold talks with government [1] * Brotherhood to Press Demands in Egypt Talks [2] * Muslim Brotherhood Join Egypt Talks [3] If you’re Bruce Riedel, special […]

REP. SUE MYRICK: WHO IS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD? Unrest In Egypt: Who Is The Muslim Brotherhood? As Egyptians are protesting in the streets, there is an underground movement by groups in Egypt who want to see the government crumble so that they can take power.  One of these groups is the Muslim Brotherhood.  Click the image below for the answer to the […]

EGYPT’S BROTHERHOOD TO HOLD TALKS WITH GOVERNMENT Egypt’s Brotherhood to hold talks with government CAIRO – Egypt’s largest opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, said it would begin talks Sunday with the government to try to end the country’s nearly 2-week-old political crisis but made clear it would insist on President Hosni Mubarak’s immediate ouster. The decision by the fundamentalist Islamic group, […]