MOSHE PHILLIPS: WHY MUBARAK WILL GO TO SAUDI ARABIA Why Mubarak Will Go to Saudi Arabia Posted By Moshe Phillips One of the early signs to appear in English in Cairo apparently told Mubarak to “Pack Bags for Saudi Arabia.” The so-called Arab Street knows something that most Americans don’t–and that the media has thus far missed. For decades, Saudi Arabia has sheltered […]

JOHN BERNARD: EGYPT: DOES IT AFFECT OUR AFGHANISTAN POLICY? IT SHOULD Egypt; Does it Affect our Afghanistan policy? It Should! Nobody seems to be asking this question. The talking heads can’t make the connection because for the talking heads, there is no commonality. Hasn’t that been the argument all of this time? We have been trying to get someone – anyone in government or anywhere […]

THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD…OUR ENEMY IN ITS OWN WORDS: FRANK GAFFNEY By Frank Gaffney, Jr. “As a result, one other thing should be frighteningly clear: We are having our policies towards Egypt’s succession – and the tsunami it is accelerating elsewhere in the region influenced, shaped and probably subverted by the Muslim Brotherhood’s American operatives.  If we let our enemies call the shots, there is […]

JENNIFER RUBIN: J STREET REGRETS….A DOUBLE TREAT….SEE NOTE J Street’s really bad day By Jennifer Rubin WATCHING THE LEFTIES HAVE A GO AT EACH OTHER IS FUN…J STREET AND THEIR TOP FAN ACKERMAN….RSK It’s not every day that an aggressive left-wing organization makes a public apology and turns tail. But then J Street’s letter last week lambasting Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.) was […]

CNN: A “DEMOCRACY SEEKING” EGYPTIAN DEMONSTRATOR….”WE WANT TO BE FREE TO DESTROY ISRAEL EGYPTIAN DEMONSTRATOR IN CNN INTERVIEW: WE WANT TO BE FREE, TO DESTROY ISRAEL……. Can’t be any more clear than that. Allowing these nut-jobs who are presently loose on the streets of Egypt to get ‘their favored party’ (read=Muslim Brotherhood) into government would be an act of lunacy for the region. KGS “Because we know, […]

ANDREW BOSTOM EXPLAINS THE EGYPTIAN MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD’S POPULARITY January 31, 2011 Andrew Bostom Explains the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s Popularity on Radio Citing — wait for it — actual data, I explained this AM (Monday 1/31/11) on America’s Morning News radio Show with John McCaslin and Amy Holmes why the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s traditional Islam resonates with the Muslim mainstream in Egypt. A […]


By CAROLINE B. GLICK Does the US fail to understand what will happen to its strategic interests in the region if the Muslim Brotherhood is the power behind the throne of the next regime? The Egyptian multitudes on the streets of Cairo are a stunning sight.  With their banners calling for freedom and an […]

HAMASTINIANS SHELL NEGEV WITH GRAD ROCKETS AND MORTAR ROUNDS Palestinians shell Negev with Grads, mortar attacks By YAAKOV LAPPIN 01/02/2011 Fire from Gaza hits southern Israel; rocket lands near wedding hall in Netivot; 4 treated for shock; rocket alert system fails. The relative calm in the South was shattered on Monday night when Palestinians in Gaza fired a barrage of powerful Grad rockets […]


WWW.ZSTREET.ORG Outrageous!  The pathetic “academy” has caved to the sandstorms of the left, and reinstated the postule known as Kristofer Petersen-Overton to teach a course on Middle East politics.  His peurile mewling against Israel’s “occupation” of Gaza could double as the comic book metaphor for angry youth railing against the establishment.  Gag.  And, of course, […]

RUSH: PHARAOH OBAMA REPEATING THE MISTAKES OF JHIMMI CARTER “Now, I want you to compare what’s happening in Egypt to Tea Party rallies, which are democracy in action.  Whatever’s going on in Egypt, it’s premature to say “democracy in action” is what we see.  What we are seeing is incivility.  Make a note.  Looting, rioting, assaulting.  The Tea Parties are civil.  Democracy us […]