THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Challenge of Challenger Today is the 25th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. It is an almost unremarked disaster. In his State of the Union address, Obama mentioned Sputnik, but not Challenger. He only briefly mentioned NASA, the agency that he effectively dismantled and turned into a global […]


Revolution in Egypt? I’m Pessimistic. Ever since 9/11, I’ve been skeptical of plans for what I consider to be overly rapid and naively optimistic American plans to democratize the Middle East. It’s not that I’m against democracy, or even against policies designed to encourage it over the long term. The problem is that what […]

WHO IS CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: DAVID SOLWAY…SEE NOTE PLEASE Who Is Charles Krauthammer? Posted By David Solway THANK GOODNESS AT LAST SOMEONE PUNCTURES THE KRAUTHAMMER  MYTH….HE IS A SMUG AND SUPERCILIOUS COMMENTATOR ….RSK Charles Krauthammer has long been recognized as one of America’s most astute and authoritative political columnists, acknowledged as a cut above the majority of his scrivening colleagues. And yet there […]

LEO RENNERT: NEW YORK TIMES PEDDLES DELUSIONS ABOUT ABBAS AS PEACEMAKER NY Times peddles delusions about Abbas as peacemaker Leo Rennert “Olmert says he and Abbas were near deal in ’08,” reads the headline on the front page article in the New York Times in the Jan. 28 edition. Except that it takes a great delusional leap to reach this conclusion from perusing the newly […]

PROTESTS BY GITMO DETAINEES Guantanamo detainees have been holding daily peaceful protests against the jail’s continued existence, despite pledges from US President Barack Obama to shut it down, a lawyer said Friday.Lawyer Ramzi Kassem said he had learned from a client held at the US naval base that the protests had been going on for the past 13 […]

PROFESSOR TED HONDERICH: LONDON UNIVERSITY COLLEGE…DEFENDS PALARAB TERROR AS “SELF DEFENSE” A London Professor Defends Palestinian Terror London’s University College (UCL), was founded in the 1820s in order to provide non-Anglicans with the university degrees denied to them by Oxford and Cambridge at that time. Prominent among its founders was a celebrated Jewish philanthropist and civil rights promoter, Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid. Alas, today University […]

CONTEMPT FOR LAW IN BROOKLYN MOSQUE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES IN SPITE OF STOP WORK ORDER Brooklyn: Muslim Brotherhood group building mosque in defiance of stop-work orders Islamic supremacist contempt for the law in Brooklyn. The Muslim American Society is the chief Muslim Brotherhood organization in the United States. The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words, according to a captured internal document, to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization […]

IN JORDAN THE PROTESTS WEERE LED BY THE ISLAMIC ACTION FRONT…POLITICAL ARM OF MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD Jordan: 3,000 Islamic supremacists and Leftists demonstrate against regime The unrest that began in Tunisia and is now roiling Egypt spreads to Jordan. Leftist/Jihadist Alliance Update: “Jordanian protesters demand political reforms,” by Suleiman al-Khalidi for Reuters, January 28 (thanks to all who sent this in): AMMAN (Reuters) – Islamists, leftists and trade unionists gathered […]

VICTOR SHARPE: THE GOLAN;S BIBLICAL AND POST BIBLICAL HISTORY By Victor Sharpe, The Jerusalem Connection Before the Tribes of Israel would cross the River Jordan and enter the Promised Land, the first among them had taken possession of territory east of the Jordan. These tribes were the half tribe of Manasseh, Gad and Reuben who received the kingdom of the Amorites, Bashan, and […]


Click here: Academic Freedom or Academic License at Brooklyn College – Maggie’s Farm Academic Freedom or Academic License at Brooklyn College Those of you spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for your children’s college education, and paying taxes to support colleges, may be interested in a current brouhaha at my alma […]