Instead of the leaders with iron resolve we got terribly Democratic and profoundly weak Joe Biden, a succession of the UK PMs whose names nobody can remember, former GDR Young Communist League member Angela ‘Mutti’ Merkel, ex-Secretary-General of the Portuguese Socialist Party Antonio Guterres and the ever-elegant Emmanuel Macron, addicted to long chats with Vladimir Putin. In keeping with the trend, Australia has granted itself the honour of being governed by Anthony Albanese and Penny Wong.
It seems the proudest achievement of the human species, Western Civilization, is quietly expiring under the assault of resentful and determined enemies. Sensing weakness, they are gathering for the kill. In too many instances the West facilitates its own demise, aiding and abetting those who would destroy it.
Those who are as old as I might remember big buttons proclaiming “Nuclear? No thanks”. Ubiquitous, they were a visible aspect of the unilateral disarmament campaign orchestrated by Moscow and conducted by the front organisations such as People for Nuclear Disarmament, the World Council of Churches and the like. Motivating this campaign was the Soviet fear that the Western nuclear deterrent might succeed in defeating Moscow’s conventional arms assault on Western Europe should push ever come to shove.
Now, the “protest” movement is more sophisticated – it fights for the clean environment, nothing political, you see. The neo-Marxist movement has weaponized ecology and, under the guise of saving the planet, undermines the West. They do it by posturing as “green” movements, fighting to stop fossil fuels production in the West. The result has been spectacular. We are forced to buy the necessary fuel from OPEC and Russia, countries have no homegrown protest movements which can pump oil to their hearts’ and treasuries’ content. According to the July issue of the Foreign Policy, before its assault on Ukraine, Russia was getting around $US1 billion US dollars every day in oil revenues. After the Western sanctions that figure declined to $720 million dollars per day — a decrease certainly, but still more than enough to wage war on Ukraine, finance anti-Western activities while keeping things on the homefront relatively content.