THE NEW EUPHEMISM FOR JIHADIST VIOLENCE IS NOW “SECTARIAN”…. Indonesians have been shaken this week by some of the country’s most horrific episodes of sectarian violence in recent memory. On Sunday, hundreds of Muslims stabbed and clubbed to death three members of the minority Ahmadiyya sect in a village in Java. Mobs struck again […] HMMMM…AND WE WERE RESCUING GENERAL MOTORS….WEIRD HUH? A record $48.8 million in fines, nearly eight million vehicle recalls, hundreds of lawsuits and one humiliating set of Congressional grillings later, we finally learned Tuesday that Toyota cars can’t magically accelerate on their own. So what happened? “Pedal misapplications.” Now there’s a euphemism for the bureaucratic […] FROM FEBRUARY 2011 COMMENTARY Middle Eastern literature remains mired in anti-Western and anti-Jewish hate. Let’s Get Westoxicated! Sohrab Ahmari My middle-school archnemesis in Tehran was Mr. Pourmand, a Koran teacher and fanatical devotee of Iran’s clerical regime. We often clashed over my preference for Jules Verne and Metallica over labyrinthine Koranic passages. When, near […] A Movement Of Brotherly Hate Islamofascism: If the Muslim Brotherhood had a slogan, it might be “Today Egypt, tomorrow the world.” Yet the Obama administration is intent on seeing this global jihadist group in a good light. If you think the political upheavals in Egypt are frightening, read the self-proclaimed objectives of the opposition […] Dickens on the Potomac Watching Barack Obama’s foreign policy flopping like a Minnesota perch on a White Bear Lake dock this week (as every other week since January 20, 2009) and enduring yet another dose of his wife’s hortative obsession with the size of the collective American bootay—to say nothing of the occasionally slipping-out […] Well, yes . . . When a “hidden agenda” is out in the open Posted By Roger Kimball Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The New York Times thinks it knows. Under the menacing headline “Their Real Agenda [1],” a recent editorial pounced like The Shadow on the nefarious conspiratorial […] Before Rep Weiner Lectures Judge Thomas About Potenial Conflicts He Should Look At His Earmark Record Since he was first elected to congress, Anthony Weiner’s (D-NY) only major contribution to this country was getting bit on the hand by a goat on the Capitol Building Lawn. Actually that was the goat’s contribution wasn’t it? […]
On Capitol Hill, MPAC Panel Seeks to Whitewash Jihadist Threat Two days after a panel took to Capitol Hill to say the terrorist threat to America is overblown, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a House committee Tuesday that “the terrorist threat to the homeland is in many ways at its most heightened state […] blog A Dozen Bad Ideas for the 21st Century Here is a list of false beliefs and modes of thought which make it hard for people in the West to come to terms with the challenge of Islam today. If you are deeply attached to any of these ideas or ways of thinking, you […] Tea-party-backed Florida Rep. Allen West, regarded as among the most outspoken members of the giant freshman GOP congressional class, has been given the coveted closing address assignment Saturday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference. “Congressman West epitomizes the core conservative values CPAC attendees treasure: a basic belief in human freedom, traditional values, and […]