“A people who do not believe in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will not be free no matter how many times they go to the polls. You can place voting booths outside every home and run elections every week, and it will still do no good. Freedom may be […] The power of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to fan the flames of upheaval along the Nile must keep potential dictators up late at night. The Mubarak government‘s ham-fisted order to cut off Egypt‘s electronic access to the outside world on Jan. 27 is a potent reminder of how deeply strongmen resent […] Requiem for Islamic Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing? David Cameron on Islamic Extremism in that Province of Eurabia called Britain Remember this infamous statement by Britain’s ambassador to Lebanon, Frances Guy, made in Beirut last year in praise of Londonistan? Here it is again, in all its brazen shame: “London has traditionally been a place of […] Energy Policy: An administration that has no respect for Congress, the courts or the Constitution has been found in contempt for reissuing a drilling moratorium that a U.S. district judge found overly broad. The Obama administration’s trouble with the courts has continued with a judge’s ruling last week that the Interior Department’s reinstating of […] Reactive Pronouncement is not Leadership; it’s Deadly! As events have developed in the Middle East in the past two weeks we have watched a transition in the public pronouncements of nearly every entity on the planet. The only person to hold ground, to some degree has been the Egyptian President Mubarak. Although he announced […] Deja vu — Judith Apter Klinghoffer BROTHERHOOD DUMPS EL BARADEI; EL BARADEI DUMPS PEACE TREATY WITH ISRAEL Muhammad El Baradei thought that the Gods were smiling on him. After decades of living abroad he used the demonstrations to return to Cairo as “a leading opposition leader” and immediately sought to establish close ties with […]
Obama gives UK nuke secrets to Russia — he MUST now be removed from office and power Obama gives UK nuke secrets to Russia – Sher Zieve, US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets: SECRET DEAL: US AGREES TO TELL RUSSIA UK’S NUKE SECRETS: Did Obama’s US leak the UK’s […]
Women in the Cairo Street Scenes: a Troubling Photo Essay by Prof. Phyllis Chesler For days now, the mainstream and leftstream media have been telling us that the Muslim Brotherhood is not dangerous, not radically Islamist—but that even if they are Islamist that they are popular amongst the people. Western leftists view the Brothers […]
Hillary and the Muslim Brotherhood: M Catharine Evans Page Printed from: Why would a proto-feminist Secretary of State be silent on the very real potential of a patriarchal Islamist system like the Muslim Brotherhood gaining power in Egypt? Hillary Clinton’s deafening silence in full view of her boss’s Muslim sympathies as well as her […]
By JPOST.COM STAFF AND ASSOCIATED PRESS….. NOTE FROM AN E-PAL….. Obama invited Muslim brotherhood to his Cairo speech. He just invited them to the White House. Janet Napolitano invited them to Homeland Security. Now the Administration is working to put them into the Egyptian Government. The question is why? Are they so ignorant that they […]