THE WEEK THAT WAS: THE SULTAN….ASSANGE, HOBROOKE THACI, PALARABS AND MORE When lefty stalwarts Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann decided to jump to the defense of an accused rapist, relying on such authorities as Bianca Jagger, they were either thinking that whether Julian Assange raped two women was irrelevant, because he was doing more important progressive duty. That was the same justification used to support […]

REP. PETE KING TO HEAD HOUSE INQUIRY INTO RADICAL MOSQUES**** Muslim ‘Radicalization’ Is Focus of Planned Inquiry By RAYMOND HERNANDEZ WASHINGTON — REP. PETE KING…The Republican  will head the House committee that oversees domestic security is planning to open a Congressional inquiry into what he calls “the radicalization” of the Muslim community when his party takes over the House next year. Representative Peter T. […]

EYE ON THE UN: DURBAN 111 AND YOUR TAX DOLLARS The Washington Budget Train Wreck Has Nothing On the U.N. Durban III And Your Tax Dollars Anne Bayefsky The good folks at the U.N., the people with their hands on the money spigot and the never-ending demand for more U.S. tax dollars are hard at work in the hours leading up to the Christmas […]

GLOBAL WARMING HOAX IN CANCUN RIP? ALAN CARUBA Did the Global Warming Hoax Die in Cancun? By Alan Caruba  Thursday, December 16, 2010 If you want to know the core beliefs of those who gathered in Cancun, Mexico, for yet another Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) conference, you need look no further than the way one of its days began with a […]

JUDITH KLINGHOFFER: THE DANGEROUS ARROGANCE OF “REASONABLE MODERATES” THE DANGEROUS ARROGANCE OF THE “REASONANLE MODERATES”By Judith A. Klinghoffer To understand one of the major reasons for American economic decline, one has to come to terms with the dangerous appeasement policies practiced by those amongst the American governing class known as “reasonable moderates.” It is an appeasement policy based on the arrogant assumption […]

AMERICAN COLLEGE GIRLS: MARILYN PENN American College Girls By Marilyn Penn Two different representations of American college girls have made their respective impressions in the media recently. One is in the movie Tiny Furniture, created entirely by Lena Dunham and acted by her and some family members along with other actors. This is a movie that has been generally acclaimed and […]

JORDAN JOINING THE NUKE CLUB WITH CHINA’S AID China assisting Jordan with February launch of its first nuclear reactor, December 15, 2010 AMMAN — Jordan has been been making final preparations for its first nuclear facility.Officials said the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission was working with contractors to launch the Hashemite kingdom’s first nuclear site, deemed a uranium-fueled sub-critical assembly. They identified […]

FOUAD AJAMI:THE STRANGE SURVIVAL OF THE ARAB AUTOCRACIES….PLEASE SEE NOTE The Strange Survival of the Arab Autocracies by Fouad Ajami NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF THE RESURGENT ISLAM IN ALL THE ARAB STATES; NO MENTION OF THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD, WAHABBISM,SHARIA? STRANGELY ABSENT HERE…..RSK Five years ago, it felt like the democratic springtime of the Arabs. But no longer. Five or six years ago, it […]

TRANSLATING JIHAD:AL- MUTARAJJAM “We Arabs Are Not Terrorists! … The West Is the Terrorist!” I was looking for an intelligent discussion on what defines terrorism, but apparently Gaza wasn’t the best place to look…  Okay fine, I wasn’t really expecting an intelligent discussion.  In fact, what follows is pretty much what you would expect from the angry, […]


Remembering Israel’s Victims of Terror Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Therese Zrihen-Dvir, an author who was born in Morocco and has been living in Israel since 1967 (except for a five-year excursion to Canada). Her academic training is in French literature and the arts. Her published works […]