The Secret Battle of Lazzarotto An Insider’s Look at the Libyan-Swiss Hostage Crisis Mathieu Von Rohr,1518,733285-2,00.html By Mathieu von Rohr It was one of the strangest diplomatic stand-offs in recent memory: After Swiss police arrested the son of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Libya abducted two Swiss businessmen. According to US diplomatic cables, the challenge […]

JONAH GOLDBERG: NO LABELS? NO SMARTS Politics Without Labels? What a Silly Concept “Stop your bickering” invariably ends up meaning “do as I say.” A group called “No Labels” is getting an awful lot of buzz these days, despite the fact that it has raised only $1 million. (Though it sounds more impressive if you say it like Dr. Evil […]

STANLEY KURTZ: DAVID FRUM IS STILL WRONG….SEE NOTE PLEASE READ STANLEY KURTZ’S ESSENTIAL BOOK ABOUT OBAMA….”RADICAL- IN- CHIEF”….RSK David Frum has replied to my recent criticisms of his soon-to-be founded No Labels project. But my root-and-branch critique of his No Labels initiative goes unanswered, and in the process Frum introduces new distortions of my book on Obama. Indeed, Frum’s reply continues to reflect the […]

HANUKAH IN POLAND…A NEW GENERATION REJECTS ANTI-SEMITISM Hanukah in Poland By Bruce Walker President Komorowski of Poland met with Jews in the Belvedere Palace, the Polish “White House,” to light a menorah candle and celebrate Hanukah with the Jewish community.  Poland has proven a land of resilient faith.  The Catholics of Poland during the Cold War, alone among Communist nations, had […]


NY Times blames Israel for U.S., Palestinian failures to advance the peace process Leo Rennert Page Printed from: The Obama administration has withdrawn a package of security and diplomatic incentives for Israel in exchange for a three-month extension of a building moratorium in West Bank settlements, admitting that this wouldn’t bring about resumption of […]

TEL-AVIV IS NOW THE THIRD “TOP CITY” IN THE WORLD?HILLEL HALKIN Sin City on the Sea?By Hillel Halkin “Today, of course, it is the Israeli Left that identifies with Tel Aviv and elements on the Right that have turned it into a symbol of a-Zionist or anti-Zionist licentiousness. No doubt this partly explains why publications like National Geographic and the Lonely Planet have become Tel […]

THE SULTAN: HOW THE INTERNET DESTROYED AMERICAN POLITICS How the Internet Destroyed American Politics Two years ago, the road to 2012 seemed like a cakewalk for Obama and an unreachable mountain for the Republicans. The roles haven’t quite reversed yet, but they are evening out. And like in the old Hope-Crosby  movies like “Road to Morocco” or “Road to Singapore”, the road […]

RUSSIANS EAGER TO “START UP” INTERRUPT US/JAPAN MILITARY EXERCISE Russian Planes Interrupt US-Japan Exercise Stars and Stripes|by Charlie Reed, Hana Kusumoto TOKYO, Japan — Two Russian planes entered air space above the Sea of Japan where U.S. and Japanese troops were conducting joint drills Monday, causing a temporary halt to the exercise, U.S. and Japanese officials said Wednesday. Japanese fighters scrambled in response, […]

DAPHNE ANSON:MOSLEM SUPPRESSION OF CHRISTIANS CONTINUES IN EGYPT…WHERE IS MUBARAK? Islamic Suppression and Humiliation of Egypt’s Coptic Community Continues. Where are you Mubarak?‏ “There is no doubt that Mubarak is a toothless tiger and allows this blatant discrimination to occur while he sleeps peacefully.” In a lecture in the USA earlier this year, Coptic Christian activist Magdi Khalil, who runs the Pennsylvania-based Middle East […]

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: READ NO EVIL….DIANA WEST This is getting creepy. From (links from the original): The Library of Congress (LC) has been blocking access to the WikiLeaks website since December 3, on its wireless network available for visitors as well as on its own staff’s computers, according to a report on the Talking Points Memo (TPM) Muckraker website. It’s […]