Honor Killing in America By Pamela Geller The trials of two “honor killers” are underway in America this week: one in Buffalo, New York, and the other in Arizona. In Buffalo, the moderate Muslim beheader and bridge-builder to the West, Muzzammil Hassan, was granted the right Monday to act as his own attorney.  That […]

WSJ: AFTER YOU MR. RYAN!! Amid his Reaganite sunshine and new admiration for the wonders of private enterprise, President Obama’s political message in Tuesday’s State of the Union address boils down to this: Republicans, it’s your budget problem now. The deficit is awful and must be cut, entitlements are unsustainable and must be addressed, the tax code hurts growth […]

STEPHEN MOORE: OBAMA’S INVESTMENT CHARADE By STEPHEN MOORE Words matter in politics, which is why the federal government no longer “spends” (and wastes) money, but rather “invests” it. According to Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, nearly every penny of the $2.5 trillion domestic budget—for installing solar paneling on the roofs of libraries, funding lavish teacher retirement funds, […]

DAVID SINGER: PALESTINE AND THE ARAB LEAGUE-FAKE FREEDOM FIGHTERS **** From the antipodean J-Wire news service, the following article, entitled “Palestine and the Arab League – Fake Freedom Fighters,” is by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer. The Palestinian Authority, Hamas and the Arab League member states continue to deny their populations basic political rights and civil liberties – according to a Report […]

DR. HERBERT VERE EVATT AN AUSSIE DOC’S ROLE IN THE BIRTH OF ISRAEL An Aussie Doc’s Role in the Birth of Israel Australia Day. So come Down Under down Memory Lane… Dr Herbert Vere (“Doc”) Evatt (1894-1965; pictured below) was a bright working-class lad from Maitland, New South Wales, who was educated at school and university in Sydney and became a lawyer and QC. From 1925-30 he […]

THE BABYLONIAN TALMUD: CENTRAL TO JEWISH LIFE: YEHUDA MIRSKY Talmud: The Back Story By Yehudah Mirsky Shamma Friedman. There is no getting away from the Babylonian Talmud. Love it, hate it, or both, this monumental work, so unlike anything we generally think of as a book, has been central to Jewish life for a millennium and more, managing time after time to find […]

“YER HONOR IT’S NOT PEDOPHILIA…IT’S A SIGN OF RESPECT” showed Imam having shoulders massaged by boy AN IMAM accused of sexually assaulting two boys told a court that one of the alleged victims asked to massage his shoulders as a “sign of respect”. CCTV was seen by the jury at Nottingham Crown Court which showed Muslim leader Mohammed Hanif Khan tapping his […]

REP. PAUL RYAN: A GIANT BLOW AGAINST OBAMACARE Rep. Paul Ryan 1, ObamaCare 0 By Jennifer Rubin House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) held an important hearing on ObamaCare, showing just how important is the process for educating the public, and thereby setting defenders of ObamaCare back on their heels. As he did last night, Ryan explained the contrast between how […]

OBAMA’S STATE OF THE SOVIET UNION: THE SULTAN Obama’s State of the Soviet Union When the applause had died down and the softly glowing screen of the teleprompter faded to black, the echoes of the Leninist cadences of Obama’s State of the Union address, “We must out-educate, out-compete, and out-innovate the rest of the world”, “We have broken the back of the […]

THE FLAVOR OF TEA: THE NEW FEMINISTS TODAY ….SEE NOTE By Suzanne Fields MOVE OVER NOW! (NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN)…MAKE WAY FOR THE CONSERVATIVE FEMINISTS LIKE ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN, NIKKI HALEY, PALIN, BACHMANN , SONIA MARTINEZ, REP. NAN HAYWORTH….RSK Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder of the Tea Party caucus in the new Congress, gave more than a response to President Obama‘s State of the Union speech […]