RICHARD BAEHR: IMMIGRATION…..A MODEST PROPOSAL Immigration: A Modest Proposal By Richard Baehr One of the major issue that seems to excite the GOP base is immigration policy and what to do with the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already here. Politically correct Democrats maintain that there are no illegals, only undocumented workers. Democrats did nothing with the issue when they […]

PULEEZ!!!CONGRESSIONAL LETTER WANTS “ASSURANCES” THAT THE WEAPONS FOR SAUDI ARABIA WON’T BE USED TO HARM ISRAEL No less than 189 congressmen signed a letter asking the White House for assurances that the weapons being sold to Wahhabites won’t be used to harm Israel. Everyone feels good: – Obama got still cozier relations with the Saudis by selling them weapons – the Saudis got cutting-edge weapons – Iran has gotten the […]

ANOTHER US MARINE BETRAYED BY UTOPIAN MISSION: DIANA WEST Another US Marine Betrayed by Utopian Mission(aries)Written by: Diana West Marine Sgt. Michael Brattole (above) has been evacuated from Afghanistan to be treated in a US military hospital for extensive wounds suffered when a fragmentation grenade, which disperses “notched wire and ball bearings,” ripped through his chest while he was leading a patrol earlier […]

LTC LAKIN AND THE MEMORY HOLE: DIANA WEST LTC Lakin and the Memory Hole Written by: Diana West Wikipedia, the widely read, online, multi-authored encyclopedia, features an entry on the term “memory hole,” which originated with the prescient, if not also clairvoyant, George Orwell. The Wikipedia definition begins: “A memory hole is any mechanism for the alteration or disappearance of inconvenient or […]

LIES, MYTHS AND OBAMA: VICTOR SHARPE Lies, myths and Obama By Victor Sharpe: A lie is like a noxious and perennial weed that is almost impossible to root out. So it is with the other weed; the myth of an Arab people who call themselves Palestinians and who dream of their past living in a land that belonged to them […]

THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS’S SEVEN SCORE AND SEVEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY WOW!!! NO TELEPROMPTER….RSK Gettysburg Address’s seven-score-and-seven-year anniversary Happy 147th birthday, Gettysburg Address! Using fewer than 300 words (the exact number differs depending on the transcript), Lincoln summed up the war, and America’s reason for fighting, in just a few minutes. The brevity of the speech didn’t dull its impact — the iconic opening line […]

PLEASE READ ABOUT AN AMERICAN HERO…ATHLETE AND VETERAN LOUIS ZAMPERINI The Defiant Ones In her new book, the author of ‘Seabiscuit’ turns to the unimaginable ordeal of an Olympic athlete and WW II hero. Because of her own debilitating illness, they struck a special bond. By STEVE ONEY With a fringe of white hair poking out from under a University of Southern California baseball […]


Threat Revealed: Terrorists Believed to Be Planning Attack in Berlin – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International,1518,730236,00.html It would be an attack on the very heart of democracy. SPIEGEL has learned that terrorists may have been planning an attack on the Reichstag, the home of the German parliament and one of the most popular […]

ABUSE OF FOREIGN WORKERS IN SAUDI ARABIA….INDONESIAN MAID KILLED AND DUMPED IN GARBAGE JAKARTA – Indonesia demanded an investigation Friday into reports that a domestic worker was allegedly killed by her employer in Saudi Arabia and thrown into dumpster — the second case of maid abuse to emerge this week. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was speaking to reporters after a Cabinet meeting called to discuss the need to […]


Produced by Political Publisher: Bill Warner; Edited by Asma Marwan And what do the UN, the Media, European Union, Council of Churches, the US government and other government agencies do about these appalling acts of violence by Muslims? Mostly nothing! They are too busy appeasing the Muslim world and condemning Israel! Bulletin of Christian […]