CHRISTIANS WHO VOTED TO CALL THE CAVE OF THE PATRIARCHS AND RACHEL’S TOMB MOSQUES BETRAYED CHRISTIANITY: SARAH HONIG Another Tack: Ibrahim and Ibn-Rabah By SARAH HONIG When Christians voted to call the Cave of the Patriarchs the Ibrahimi Mosque and Rachel’s Tomb the Bilal Ibn-Rabah Mosque, they betrayed Christianity. Quite incredibly, representatives of Western democracies on UNESCO’s executive delivered a self-destructive blow to their own heritage when demanding that Rachel’s Tomb in […]

US GETS A “SHELLACKING” FROM CUBA, IRAN AND NORTH KOREA AT THE UN For more United Nations coverage see By Anne Bayefsky The Obama administration got a new “shellacking” this morning, this one entirely voluntary. In the name of improving America’s image abroad, it sent three top officials from the State Department to Geneva’s U.N. Human Rights Council to be questioned about America’s human rights record by the […]

AWLAKI FAILS TO APPEAR FOR “TRIAL” IN YEMEN…NOW WANTED “DEAD OR ALIVE”…. Yemen orders U.S.-born cleric found ‘dead or alive’ By Ahmed Al-Haj ** SAN’A, Yemen (AP) — A Yemeni judge ordered police Saturday to find a radical U.S.-born cleric “dead or alive” after the al Qaeda-linked preacher failed to appear at his trial for his role in the killing of foreigners. Yemen is under heavy […]

SORE LOSERS, SORE WINNERS: THE SULTAN Friday Afternoon Roundup – Sore Losers and Sore Winners The midterm elections of 2010 have come and gone. It would be easy enough to fall into gloating, but the truth is that while we have come a long way since 2008, we’re not nearly where we need to be. The Republican party has been […]


Race and the 2010 ElectionsStar Parker Will the NAACP be celebrating the arrival of two new black faces to the U.S. House of Representatives? Don’t hold your breath. They certainly will not. These two new black congressmen are Republicans. There’s a powerful message here that should and must be digested. We have arrived in post-racial […]

BRUCE KESLER:CONSUMERS VS. UNIONS….WHICH IS IT FOR CONGRESS?,css.print/pub_detail.asp U.S. Consumers Vs. Unions: Which Program for Congress? Bruce Kesler Two competing programs are proposed to Congress from the left and from America’s manufacturers. One protects domestic unions while further burdening US manufacturers and consumers. The other grows US competitiveness. The Nation, in its inimical leftward way, analyzes the problems with ‘free trade globalization.’ […]

A MESSAGE TO JOHN BOEHNER: IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT EARMARKS….ANDREW McCARTHY November 6, 2010 4:00 A.M. Earmarks Aren’t Even the Beginning Our trouble isn’t the symbolism, it’s the substance. In offering himself as the next speaker of the House after last Tuesday’s sea-change election, Rep. John Boehner of Ohio penned a Wall Street Journal op-ed of about 800 words. The word “debt” is not one […]


If Al Gore’s Chicago Climate Exchange Suffers Total Failure, Does the MSM Make a Sound? Posted By Steve Milloy Global warming-inspired cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies of the past 15 years. But it is dying a quiet death. In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate […]

ROBIN SHEPHERD: WILL THE UK PUSH TO IMPOSE MID-EAST PEACE THROUGH THE UN? Will UK join push for ultimate solution of MidEast peace through the United Nations? Amid all the brouhaha over British Foreign Secretary William Hague’s visit to Israel this week, the key question of the moment has yet to be asked: If peace talks fail, will Britain join France and others in openly declaring that […]

SMILE!: KEITH OLBERMANN SUSPENDED…. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann suspended for contributing to 3 Democratic candidates Olbermann hosts the MSNBC commentary program “Countdown with Keith Olbermann.” (Mark J. Terrill – AP) Olbermann contributed $2,400 to Kentucky’s Democratic Senate candidate Jack Conway. Conway lost his race against Tea Party favorite Rand Paul. (Garry Jones – AP) Olbermann contributed $2,400 to Rep. […]