Why Doesn’t Everyone Know Jan Schakowsky’s Husband Wrote ObamaCare in Jail? Page Printed from: By Stella Paul I know who’s got my vote for the cutest couple since Bonnie and Clyde. It’s the larcenous lovebirds from Chicago: Jan Schakowsky, the most far-left member of Congress, and her bank robber husband, Robert Creamer, who wrote […]

APPALLING!! TWO TEENAGE GIRLS EXECUTED IN SOMALIA With a cry of “there is no God but Allah!” two young Somali girls ages 18 and 15 were executed before hundreds of witnesses in a spray of bullets in Mogadishu, Somalia, yesterday. al-Qaida Executes Two Young Women The girls were sent to their deaths by Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim in the town Belet Weyne […]

HATE LAWS AND THE DOUBLE STANDARD Think Again: A double standard for Islam  By J.Rosenblum Hate speech laws are applied in West against those critical of Islam, but never against Muslim imams who mock Jewish, Christian infidels. Islamists everywhere demand respect for Islam, the prophet and the Koran, and threaten murderous mayhem should that demand not be honored. At the […]


Moderate Islam?Jerry Philipson Page Printed from: at October Every time anything even marginally critical of Muslims or Islam appears in the media apologists, Muslim or otherwise, respond by saying ‘moderate voices must be heard’ or ‘misconceptions about Islam are widespread’ or ‘Islam is really a religion of peace and tolerance’ or other such platitudes. […]

THEY LIE AND CHOP DOWN OLIVE TREES WHILE THEY EXTEND PHONY OLIVE BRANCHES Arabs Chop Down Olive Trees at Netzer Cheshvan 23, 5771, 31 October 10 11:46 by Chana Ya’ar ( A gang of 12 Arabs was discovered Friday chopping down olive trees that were planted last week in the Jewish Judean community of Netzer. At least three of the big trees fell to the axes and […]

THE SULTAN: ALL THE TRAINS RUN THROUGH WASHINGTON, D.C. All the Trains Run Through Washington D.C. As the day of decision draws near, euphoria is sweeping across the ranks of those who have fought so hard to get to this day. There was a time when in the shadow of Obama’s victory such a day seemed impossible. When it felt like the left […]

THE SULTAN’S WEEKLY ROUNDUP…..THERE’S GOING TO BE A RUMBLE “It is not only Ahmadinejad that threatens Israel with genocidal jihad. Shmuel Katz put it best: the conflict indeed has a root cause and it is “the determination of the entire Arab nation, under the inspiration of Islam, to rule over the whole area from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean and the […]

AMAZING ISRAEL:TECHNOLOGY FOR CONTAINER CODE RECOGNITION CONTROLS HALF IN INTERRNATIONAL MARKET Israeli technology has chief role in battling world threats By RON FRIEDMAN Migdal H’aemek company HTS’s Container Code Recognition system controls half of the international market On Sunday, Israel begins to host the first three-day International Homeland Security Conference, showcasing locally developed and manufactured solutions to terrorism threats before security experts and decision-makers from […]

ONE BILLION PAID TO DEAD PEOPLE….SENATE PANEL DISCLOSES By Stephen Dinan -The federal government has paid out more than $1 billion in checks to dead people over a decade, according to a new report by the top Republican on the Senate’s investigative panel. All told, the government has paid out funds to some 250,000 dead people, said Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, […]

YEMENI WOMAN ARRESTED…PLEASE SEE NOTE AND PICTURE Yemeni arrested; al Qaeda bomber eyed in mail plot “UNIDENTIFIED?” HOW THE HECK DO YOU IDENTIFY A WOMAN IN FULL NIQAB?…RSK An unidentified Yemeni woman walks past UPS office on Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010, in San’a, Yemen. Yemeni authorities on Saturday arrested a woman suspected of sending two mail bombs found on cargo planes […]