THE LOOMING FIGHT OVER THE SO-CALLED NEW START: FRANK GAFFNEY Team Reagan vs. the establishment By Frank Gaffney, Jr. The looming fight over President Obama’s so-called New START disarmament treaty with Russia seems to be coming down to one fundamental question:  Would Ronald Reagan approve?  On the answer may ride nothing less than the reelection prospects of a handful of Senators who will decide the […]

JAILHOUSE REBELLION IN OUR GEORGIA…. It’s Like Capitol Hill Vote-Whipping, Only On Lockdown In a marvelously rewarding tripe-athon of socio-anthropological exploratorio, the New York Times reports that for thousands of convicts suffering the carceral depredations of the state of Georgia (that’s our Georgia, as in peach, not the Caucasian Georgia, as in menaced by Russia), relief could be just […]

ASSANGE’S EXTREMIST EMPLOYEES….WHO IS “ISRAEL SHAMIR”AKA ADAM ERMASH OR JORAN JERMAS? Assange’s Extremist Employees Why is WikiLeaks employing a well-known Holocaust denier and his disgraced son? Michael C. Moynihan | December 14, 2010 Last week, I wrote that the widely-linked article positing that the CIA was behind a Swedish woman’s accusation of rape against Julian Assange was authored by a Russian-born, Swedish-domiciled, multi-aliased anti-Semite and […]


Yes, genocide is ‘an American concern’ By Jeff Jacoby | The Israeli prime minister, Golda Meir, has just been to the White House, where she implores President Nixon to press the Soviet Union to allow the emigration of Jews who wish to leave. In the Oval Office after she leaves, the president and his […]

JOAN SWIRSKY: DOES WIKILEAKS BENEFIT BARACK OBAMA? God Save America! Is Barack Obama In Bed—so to speak—With Julian Assange? By Joan Swirsky Tuesday, December 14, 2010 The fanatical hard Left—those communists, socialists, and radicals currently in power—view anything that is bad for our country—massive Intelligence leaks, disastrous oil spills, escalating unemployment, chaos on our borders, military setbacks, et al—as a thundering […]


Kissinger, now in his eighties and quite frail has been “outed” in the recently released tapes. He loved to read comparisons of himself to Bismark, but comes off as a weasel with no empathy for fellows Jews, indifference to trapped Soviet Jewry, duplicity and indifference in dealing with Israel, and callousness bordering on “Sorosesque” in […]

ADRIAN MORGAN: ON RICHARD HOLBROOKE….. Richard C. Holbrooke and the Situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan A Personal Opinion Yesterday the administration’s Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard C. Holbrooke, died. On Friday, he had undergone an operation to repair a torn aorta, which was known to be a risky procedure with a low chance of survival. The 21-hour […]

MOSHE DANN: THE WAR OF WORDS AGAINST ISRAEL War of Words: Israel’s Fight Against Delegitimization: Moshe Dann Israel’s struggle to defend herself and survive is not only on the battlefield; it is also in the coliseum of public perception. Thrown into the same dungeon as South Africa 30 years ago, threatened with extinction by Arab countries and terrorist groups, Israel is portrayed […]

THE SULTAN LABELS THE FOOLS OF NO LABELS…. No Labels and No Principles It’s fitting that No Labels, the new group launched by liberal Republicans and not very conservative Democrats, kicked off with Mayor Bloomberg, a liberal who ran as a Republican, because the Democratic line was already taken. Almost as fitting was the appearance of other transparty types like Charlie Crist […]

NINA SHEA: NO CHRISTMAS IN BAGHDAD No Christmas in Baghdad By Nina Shea “The obliteration from Iraq of its ancient Christian presence — and with it the reality of religious freedom and pluralism — is an unintended consequence of the U.S. invasion but has never been factored in as a U.S. strategic concern. There is no Obama policy, not even […]