Biden’s 87,000 IRS Agents Set to Become Woke Army of “Equity” Enforcers Katie Sullivan

Many Americans are by now aware of the Biden administration’s plan to hire some 87,000 new IRS agents with $80 billion set aside for that purpose as part of Democrats’ misleadingly titled Inflation Reduction Act. But even more terrifying than this army of new “tax enforcers” prying into the finances of millions of ordinary Americans is the fact that, under the Biden administration’s “equity” agenda, all of them will be trained in the tenets of wokeism and ordered to advance Democrats’ far-left social agenda.

On day one of his administration, Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” Specifically, the Order directed every federal agency to develop and implement an “ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda that matches the scale of the opportunities and challenges that we face.” Notably, Biden included the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy in the “Equitable Data Working Group” that the Order established.

This move immediately raised the alarm for conservatives, who had by then become all-too familiar with the left-wing concept of “equity.” While the term sounds similar to “equality,” it in fact refers to the exact opposite approach – using government power to dispense unequal treatment among different groups in an attempt to force “equal” outcomes for all. As Vice President Kamala Harris explained in a tweet in November 2020, “equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”

The Treasury Department – which oversees the IRS – released its “Equity Action Plan” in accordance with Biden’s Executive Order in October 2021 to little fanfare. But contained within the document are hints at a scheme to radicalize the IRS in accordance with left-wing identity politics – a plan that the agency will soon have the manpower to implement.

Turkey Accuses Sweden, Finland of ‘Supporting Terrorism’, Meanwhile Releases Turkish Hizbullah Terrorists from Prison by Uzay Bulut

Since 2016, Turkey has carried out four major military campaigns in Syria, two of them — the 2018 “Operation Olive Branch” and the 2019 “Operation Peace Spring” — being against Kurdish-controlled areas. The military invasions have forcibly changed the demographic balance of the regions, driving out Kurds, Yazidis and Christians from their lands.

For more than two months, Erdoğan has been saying that a new military offensive is imminent. If he does invade Syria, the group that will benefit is ISIS.

Meanwhile, as Turkey’s government accuses Sweden and Finland of “supporting terrorists,” convicted Hizbullah terrorists have been released from Turkish prisons. Erdoğan releases the terrorists from prison and in return Hizbullah supporters vote for him. The Erdoğan regime enables Hizbullah just as it enables ISIS and other Islamist groups in Syria.

Turkish Hizbullah is a terrorist organization established in 1978. It has engaged in murder and torture, particularly targeting secular Kurds in southeastern Turkey in the 1990s… Hizbullah’s leaders were heavily influenced by Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution and reportedly received training in Iran. Turkish Hizbullah’s main effort is to establish an independent Islamic state under strict sharia law in southeastern Turkey.

According to a 2000 report in the Turkish Daily News, “… the Hizbullah terrorists recently apprehended by the police admitted in their testimonies that they have received military training and all required support in Iran and detailed the names and the descriptions of the Iranian guards who acted on behalf of the Iranian government.”

“I did all these actions for Allah, for Islam. If I go out right now, I’ll do it again without blinking an eye. In fact, I have done other actions that were not stated in the indictment and that the prosecutor could not solve. Our war is for salat [the five daily Islamic prayers].” — Kemal Gülşen, one of the released terrorists,, May 16, 2022.

“I took part in every level of Hizbullah. Allah has given us the task to make Islam dominant on earth. I don’t regret anything. We have become a bomb ready to explode…” — Cemal Tutar, the head of the military wing of Turkish Hizbullah, who killed 109 people by pulling the trigger himself, and among those released,, May 16, 2022.

The “terrorist organization” Erdoğan targets is the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) that fought against ISIS in Syria and that is a US ally.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has once again objected to the demands for NATO membership of Sweden and Finland, saying that Turkey “will not take a positive stance” unless the two countries respect their promises regarding the “fight against terrorism.”

Iran Prepares to Take Out Israel – Right after Iran Deal Is Signed by Khaled Abu Toameh

The mullahs appear convinced that once the Biden administration capitulates completely to their demands for reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, they will be able to step up their already significant efforts to eliminate Israel and export their Islamic Revolution to Arab and Islamic countries. Iran already occupies four Arab countries: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

Iran’s mullahs appear to be so confident that the Biden administration has turned its back on its Arab allies in the Middle East that they are issuing direct threats not only against Israel, but also against any Arab country that dares to cooperate with the Israelis.

Meanwhile, the mullahs are busy trying to open a new battlefront against Israel, this time in the West Bank.

The mullahs appear to be so emboldened by the Biden administration’s weakness that they are now openly talking about using the West Bank as a launching pad to attack Israel and kill Jews.

Under pressure from the Iranian regime, Hamas and Islamic Jihad representatives held a meeting in the Gaza Strip earlier this week to discuss ways of stepping up the “resistance” against Israel.

In an attempt to appease their masters in Tehran, Hamas and Islamic Jihad issued a joint statement after the meeting in which they pledged to step up the “armed struggle” against Israel “until the liberation [of all of Palestine],” a euphemism for the destruction of Israel.

As the Biden administration seems to be moving closer to reaching a new nuclear deal with Iran, the mullahs in Tehran are encouraging their Lebanese and Palestinian terrorist proxies to prepare for waging war on Israel.

The mullahs appear convinced that once the Biden administration capitulates completely to their demands for reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, they will be able to step up their already significant efforts to eliminate Israel and export their Islamic Revolution to Arab and Islamic countries. Iran already occupies four Arab countries: Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq.

Israeli High-Tech Foils Hamas and Islamic Jihad Terror Schemes Hezbollah should take note. Ari Lieberman

Israel’s successful conclusion of Operation Breaking Dawn capped several achievements for the Israel Defense Forces that highlighted its technical prowess and vaunted intelligence capabilities. The clash also underscored the extent to which terror entities in Gaza have lost political capital in the two years since the signing of the Abraham Accords. During the conflict, the IDF excelled both offensively and defensively and Israel’s nemesis to the north, Hezbollah, has taken notice. The Iranian proxy militia has engaged in some saber rattling recently but it is keenly aware of Israel’s military capabilities and its own military and political limitations.

When it was first deployed just over a decade ago, Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system maintained a success rate of between 75 to 78 percent. Continuous software and hardware improvements to Iron Dome have made the system 97 percent effective.

According to information released by the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, in 66 hours between August 5, and August 7, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired some 1,175 rockets at Israel and 990 of these landed in Israeli territory. Iron Dome intercepted 450 rockets. The remaining rockets landed in open areas. Iron Dome is programmed to launch only if the system determines that the rocket’s flight path poses a danger to civilians or critical infrastructure, thus increasing its efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Racism to Achieve Diversity Harms All Americans For everyone’s sake, Americans of all ethnicities must unite to reject racism of all kinds and embrace becoming a colorblind meritocracy. By Edward Ring

If you’ve navigated the thicket of microinstructions, hectoring, guilt-tripping, institutionalized resentment, establishment-generated misinformation, double standards, and bizarre new terminology, then welcome to the world of woke antiracism in America today.

One of the biggest absurdities spread by the woke antiracists is that white people must practice “allyship” and refrain from sharing their opinions on race relations with “people of color.” There is nothing wrong with listening as well as talking, but for white people to remain silent in the face of one of the most destructive movements in American history is negligent and cowardly.

As it is, progressive elites in America, almost all of them white, are indoctrinating nonwhites in America to believe that they live in an oppressive, racist nation. They are falsely told that unjustified police violence disproportionately targets blacks. They are falsely told the biggest threat to the nation is white supremacists. Worse still, they are told that every disparity in achievement between races is a product of white racism, and that white racists are to blame for any failures in their individual lives or within their communities.

The motivation for this indoctrination is political and economic. America’s corporate socialist uniparty—all of the Democrats and a sizable percentage of Republicans—finds power and profit in selling this narrative. It justifies expanding government, nurturing dependency, unchecked immigration, and building the welfare and diversity bureaucracies. It creates a divided and fractious electorate that is incapable of recognizing this political betrayal and unifying to stop it.

The fruits of woke indoctrination are that an overwhelming majority of blacks, Latinos, and Asians vote for “progressive” politicians. In the 2020 election, Biden was supported by 87 percent of black voters, by 61 percent of Latinos, and by 63 percent of Asians. These partisan margins have become the decisive swing vote that is changing the destiny of America. Which is to say, America used to be a country where property rights and free speech were paramount values, but today it is being converted into a corporate socialist dystopia where there are only oligarchs and serfs dependent on government handouts. And as this epic, life-changing transformation occurs, white people are told to just shut up and be “allies.”

There are plenty of brilliant conservative black intellectuals who are doing a good job of exposing how the fraudulent, destructive essence of woke ideology harms everyone regardless of their ethnicity: Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Carol Swain, and other well-established luminaries, along with thousands of younger entrants such as Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum. The emergence of black conservatives, too numerous to mention, is an encouraging pushback against the woke minions and their corporate backers. Others, such as Indian-Americans Vivek Ramaswamy and Dinesh D’Souza, have also become important conservative thinkers.

So with their help, it’s time to mainstream a position that is unfairly depicted by the “woke” as something only a “far-right extremist can think”—namely, that for several decades America has been a systemically racist nation against white people, and has more recently begun to also discriminate against Asians, especially in college and university admissions. This is harming everyone, including the nonwhites it is alleged to help.

Through the lens of wokeness, Yale moves to abolish proven diagnostics tests By Olivia Murray

Angela Davis is a professed communist, with a focus on militant Black activism, who coined the phrase, “In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.” This catchy but superficial slogan has been embraced throughout nearly every American institution, most notably academia. Unsurprisingly given Davis’ admitted political beliefs, the mantra is quintessential Marxist language. In the first four words, Davis discloses there is a deep-rooted and egregiously immoral societal issue (racism), so naturally this requires resolution, which of course could only be done through a radical cultural revolution. Then, we see the lure of a “social justice” cause, with its promise that participation will make the participant morally superior.

And now, Yale University’s Chief Clinical Officer, Thomas J. Balcezak, finally caved, allowing emotional wokism to permeate a discipline that ought to be beyond reproach —  the Marxian dogma articulated by Davis has completely supplanted documented medical experiences and observable data.

So what is going on? Well, here is the “short version” according to physicians at Do No Harm, “Yale is ditching a clinically proven kidney diagnostic tool on the grounds that it’s racist.”

Now, the oldest physical copy of a dictionary I happen to have on hand on the moment is a children’s dictionary from the year 2000, and it offers two definitions for racism:

Belief that certain races of people are by birth and nature superior to others
Discrimination or hatred based on race

Worth noting, is that the context of both of these definitions requires a thinking mind — inanimate objects cannot hold beliefs or hatreds, nor do they partake in biases. So how can a diagnostic test possibly be racist?

The Morning Briefing: The Delicious Stupidity of Liz Cheney’s Presidential Folly By Stephen Kruiser

It has been just over a week since the Republican voters of Wyoming let Liz Cheney know what they thought of her stabbing them in the back by joining the Democrats’ J6 House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues.

The mental unwellness that Dick’s daughter began exhibiting that night hasn’t improved. Soon-to-be-former-Congresswoman Cheney is still harboring delusions about the viability of a presidential run in 2024. So much so, in fact, that she’s lining up some Koch money and some experienced Republican consultant firepower to help her, per Rick’s reporting.

I cannot begin to describe how much I would like to see her go through with this. I may have to rent a storage space for the extra schadenfreude I’ll have when this ego train wrecks.

Here is a snippet from a VIP column I wrote last week:

There is no great GOP silent majority just waiting for a milquetoast squish alternative to Trump. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that if faced with AOC, Mayor Pete, or Kamala Harris on the ballot, millions of Republicans are going to think, “Hmmm… better that than mean tweets.”

We should also remember that the disgruntled GOPers who would get behind a Cheney run are the same ones who were behind the Great Evan McMullin Gambit of 2016.

In short, Cheney’s merry band of potential voters is made up of a handful of morally bankrupt Never Trump grifters and maybe one drunk Democrat named Chet.

A Dying, Desperate Establishment Is a Dangerous Beast : David P. Goldman

The best piece of U.S. political analysis published in recent weeks is Michael Anton’s essay at Compact Magazine, “They Can’t Let Him Back In.” Writes Anton, a former deputy national security adviser in the Trump administration: “Our rulers’ wealth and power rise with open borders, trade giveaways, and endless war. Trump, at least in principle, and often in practice, threatens all three.” The brazenly partisan perversion of the justice system that was the Mar-a-Lago raid validates Anton’s warning in spades.

Trump threatens what the elites call the “rules-based international order,” which simply means an international order in which the elites make the rules.

Our elites are as incompetent as they are malicious. If anyone bears the blame for tearing down the post-war international order—the NATO alliance and the dollar-centered monetary system—it is the elites themselves, whose arrogance, overreach, and outright pigheadedness threaten to ruin the West. Long before the next U.S. president takes office in January 2025, the “rules-based” order and the institutions attached to it will be in ruins. The elites will be desperate.

The Ukraine war is a dealbreaker for the “rules-based order.” Despite the drumbeat of propaganda channeled through the echo chamber of international media, Russia is NOT losing—not militarily and not economically. China has doubled its imports of Russian oil and India has quadrupled its imports. The two countries alone pay Putin $150 billion a year.

Prager U Video: Is Israel An Apartheid State? A South African sets the record straight.

Does Israel discriminate against Arabs? Is it today’s version of apartheid South Africa? Olga Meshoe, herself a South African whose family experienced apartheid, settles the question once and for all.

Don’t miss this must-watch short video below:

In Sweden, a Big Step Forward for Islam With the Nuance Party, European Muslims go to the next level. Bruce Bawer

Increasingly, the modern history of Sweden reads like something concocted by a stand-up comedian with a taste for black humor. Take, for example, the official claim that Sweden has “the first feminist government in the world,” complete with a distinctly “feminist foreign policy.” Yeah, it’s so feminist, as I noted in February 2019, that when a gaggle of Swedish diplomats traveled to Iran, the women all wore headscarves and refrained from shaking hands with their bearded hosts. Moreover, although violent Muslim immigrants are making more and more neighborhoods so dangerous that, as I quoted one woman saying in 2017, people “sleep with a hammer beside the bed,” Muslim immigration levels remain high, and while retired Swedes who spent their adult lives voting for this madness are, as I wrote last year, “warehoused in old shipping containers” – which sounds like a sick joke, but isn’t – new Muslim arrivals “get townhouses.”

Last March some Ukrainian women and children were staying at a refugee hostel in Örebro when, at about 3 A.M., a gang of male Somali immigrants broke in, obviously up to no good. Thankfully, as I reported at the time, the Ukrainians were able to save themselves by running to their rooms and locking the doors, but some were so shaken that they wished they’d never left home. Why trade one war zone for another? And in May I wrote about the “Koran riots” – mass outbreaks of Muslim violence in several Swedish cities (car burnings, Molotov cocktails, etc.), all of it in furious response to thoroughly peacefully protests against, well, Muslim violence. 

Now comes the latest chapter in this bleakly comic tale. On September 11, Sweden will hold parliamentary elections. This will represent the first national test for the Nuance Party (Partiet Nyans), which a fellow named Mikail Yüksel founded three years ago after being expelled from the Center Party for belonging to the Gray Wolves, a gang of Turkish neo-fascist jihadist types. Targeting Muslim voters, the Nuance Party has grown quickly – and why not? Where else will you find candidates who want to introduce harsh measures to fight Islamophobia, to anonymize housing applicants (so you can end up renting the spare room next to your daughter’s bedroom to one of those would-be Somali rapists mentioned above), to make the European Union less of a “Christian club” by admitting Turkey and Bosnia, to increase pressure on EU countries (such as Hungary) to take Muslim refugees, to compel proportional representation of ethnic groups in the police departments and counterterrorism services, to introduce blasphemy laws and limit free speech, to forbid the removal of Muslim children from their homes by child-protective services (which often remove them, mind you, because they’re being raped by members of their extended families), to build more mosques, to permit Muslim apparel absolutely everywhere, and to ban Koran burning and offensive commentary about Islam.