Outside the Territory of Reason The first tax compromise between Obama and the victorious Republicans is an unfortunate but clear reminder that the real price of bipartisanship is bad fiscal policy. The bipartisanship of Bush and the Pelosi congress amounted to both sides getting their spending priorities through, while the actual burden of debt […] European ‘New Right’ MPs in Samaria: ‘This is Jewish Land!’ by Gil Ronen & Yoni Kempinski Sixty-five years after the defeat of the Third Reich, a senior delegation of European right-wing politicians toured Samaria Monday in support of the Jews who live there, whom they see as a bridgehead in the struggle against a […]
by Nina Shea Last Sunday, a December 2009 cable that was cited by the New York Times but has not yet been posted by Wikileaks says that Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of Sunni militant groups such as Al Qaeda. America’s top financial-counterterrorism official, Treasury Undersecretary Stuart Levey, believes there’s a strong link […]
The Palestinians: What Is Really Destroying the Chance for Peace by Khaled Abu Toameh It is sad and abhorrant to see how many Arabs have rejoiced over the big forest fire in Northern Israel, calling it a “divine punishment” for Israelis and wishing that the blaze would spread to destroy all Jews. The messages […] Disgraced reporter pushes anti-Semitism Helen Thomas’ latest rant against the alleged “Zionist-controlled” U.S. government and media has cost her again. For 10 years, Wayne State University’s Journalism Institute for Media Diversity has given the Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity Award to journos who purportedly further the cause of a “diversified media.” On Friday, the […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor December 7, 2010 4:00 A.M. Mohamud Was Not Entrapped How easily could you be persuaded to murder thousands of Americans? What would someone have to offer to entice you into killing someone? Or to entice you into killing thousands of people? The FBI has just […],css.print/pub_detail.asp An Interview with Stanley Kurtz, Author of “Radical-in-Chief”…Ruth King In 1983, authors Rael Jean and Erich Isaac published “The Coercive Utopians” (Regnery). They demonstrated how, after the end of the Vietnam War and the abrogation of the draft, the radicals of the New Left of the sixties turned their attention to careers in academia, […],css.print/pub_detail.asp When President elect, Barack Obama, was choosing the new members of his administration he selected Nobel-prize winning physicist Steven Chu as energy secretary and Carol Browner to lead a White House council on energy and climate. Ms. Browner had headed the Environmental Protection Agency in the Clinton administration. Mr. Chu was director of the […] ARTICULATE, SMART AND PRINCIPLED…..THERE ARE STARS OUT THERE IN THE GOP GALAXY Deficit Commission Ideas Could See Life Even as GOPer Blames Health Care for Impasse Published December 05, 2010 | The deficit commission’s plan to cut America’s debt failed to get a supermajority vote because it did not address the root cause […]
When the Saints Go Marching In Posted By David Solway Melanie Phillips, author of The World Turned Upside Down [1], laments that “it is the intellectual classes—the supposed custodians of reason—who have turned into the destroyers of reason,” as our cognitive avant-garde retreats ever deeper into the realm of disembodied cerebration and reality-disconnect. Proposing […]