Why Is Obama Manufacturing a Crisis for START Ratification? Posted by SusanAnne Hiller Nov 26th When analyzing the sudden urgency for the ratification of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), we have to look at the pattern of the Obama administration and the tendency to go into full crisis mode to get what they want […]
Warren Buffett: “Israel’s disproportionate quantity of ideas” Straight from the Jerusalem Boardroom #147 Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative” 1. Warren Buffett (Oct. 11, 2010, Yedioth Achronot daily): “CTD, my [farm equipment] company, has acquired a few Israeli companies [following the 2006 $4BN acquisition of 80% of Israel’s Iskar], and another [electromechanical] company, […] Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s Vienna Trial Begins by Jerry Gordon A tip of the hate to Mark Hass for sending us this report on the first day of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff’s Orwellian show trial in Vienna. We saw her pluck and strength of character during our NER interview with her. Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff on Trial in Vienna The […]
IRS to Jewish group: ‘Does your organization support the existence of the land of Israel?’ – Ben Smith – IRS to Jewish group: ‘Does your organization support the existence of Israel?’ Ben Smith, A Pennsylvania Jewish group that has claimed the Internal Revenue Service is targeting pro-Israel groups introduced in federal court […] I want you to not only hear what I had to say but pay notice to one of the captions posted on the screen by MSNBC, the fact that 2.1 million illegal aliens would be provided with Green Cards! (I have provided you with a photo taken from my debate that includes the estimate […] | Crises are exploding throughout the world. And the leader of the free world is making things worse. On the Korean peninsula, North Korea just upended eight years of State Department obfuscation by showing a team of US nuclear scientists its collection of thousands of state of the art centrifuges installed in their […] Theunis Bates LONDON (Nov. 25) — Former concert pianist Alice Herz-Sommer is living proof of the power of music. The world’s oldest Holocaust survivor, who celebrates her 107th birthday Friday, endured the deprivations of the Prague ghetto, imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp and the murder of her husband, mother and countless other family […] By the President of the United States of America. A Proclamation. The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been […]
The Origins of Thanksgiving The Editor The story of Thanksgiving is one that involves many of the great things that are generally associated with America – but it has become infused with myth. The Pilgrim Fathers are sometimes portrayed as “Puritans” which they were not. In many ways the Pilgrims who arrived at were free […] SARAH PALIN I am giving thanks for so much this Thanksgiving. I’m grateful that we enjoy the “blessings of liberty” secured by our Constitution. I’m grateful for the protection of America’s finest, our men and women in uniform — many of whom will spend Thanksgiving far from their loved ones so that we might […]