Al Gore’s Green Blasphemy Posted By Rich Trzupek Back in 1994, vice-president of the United States Al Gore cast the tie-breaking vote that started us on the long road of taking American farms out of food production and converting them to fuel production. While conservatives and libertarians argued at the time that subsidizing ethanol […]
It’s the Saudis, stupid That fine journalist John Ware has performed yet another important public service with his expose on BBC One’s Panorama tonight of the hatred and sedition with which children are being indoctrinated in some British Muslim schools. His revelations were sufficiently shocking to have been exercising this morning’s papers in advance […] A Poor START The case for New START is so weak that we’d better hope the fate of the planet doesn’t hinge on it. Sometime after the Democratic losses in the midterm elections, a funny thing happened to the New START treaty. It became a matter of extreme urgency. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton […] SO WHY DO BRET STEPHENS AND OTHER PUNDITS CONTINUE TO PUSH THE PERVERSE POLICY OF 2 STATES? HOW MUCH EVIDENCE IS ENOUGH TO SEE THAT IT IS A FAILED POLICY THAT BELONGS IN THE DUSTBIN OF HISTORY…..RSK Free Palestine!Can Palestinians abide a single free-thinking blogger in their midst? BRET STEPEHNS Should the United States […] It is being reported in the British media today that at least 5,000 British Muslim schoolchildren are being educated according to the curriculum of Saudi Arabia, a curriculum which encourages extreme hatred of Jews and homosexuals amongst others. The reports peg off a BBC Panorama documentary to be aired on Monday evening. According to […] Religion · UK Islamic schools ‘teaching pupils that gays should be executed’ by Staff Writer Around 5,000 children at Islamic weekend schools are being taught homophobic and anti-semitic views, it has been claimed. According to a BBC Panorama investigation to be screened tonight, the Sharia law classes use textbooks which tell children that the […] PRUDEN: Plain English gets a November revival LOS ANGELES | Life is not easy out there for a liberal, or a progressive or an elitist or whatever liberals are calling themselves this morning. Particularly in California, where dreamy Democrats feel cozy and safe, supping on lotus, unmolested by reality. California’s Proposition 26, adopted by […] By Eli Lake A key Russian opposition leader was assaulted by pro-government hooligans last week when he arrived in Moscow after speaking out in Washington against Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s growing grip on power. Boris Nemtsov, a former deputy prime minister, said in an interview that those who assaulted him were linked to a […] GOP senator cites new intel, won’t back New START Bond joins Kyl in opposition to nuke treaty with Moscow By Eli LakeA second leading Republican is opposing Senate ratification of the New START treaty based on classified intelligence that the arms pact cannot be verified and that Moscow is manipulating the treaty to prevent […]
Jindal: An American Solution for Energy Independence By Bobby Jindal In the wake of Republicans’ takeover of the House, many pundits are convinced that the federal government will be at a stalemate for the next two years, unable to get anything done. I believe we can—and should—do better. One area where I believe we […]