No country has better airport security than Israel– and no country needs it more, since Israel is the most hated target of Islamic extremist terrorists. Yet, somehow, Israeli airport security people don’t have to strip passengers naked electronically or have strangers feeling their private parts. Does anyone seriously believe that we have better airport […]
Click here: State Bankruptcies For A Renewed America – Maggie’s Farm State Bankruptcies For A Renewed America The end of the line is rapidly approaching for unsustainable government spending. The states will be the first to reach that station. The arrival will be a painful crash. The impact will reshape much of the US […] JULIA SEYMOUR Business and Media Institute, ClimateGate 1 Year Later: Networks Barely Cover Scandal, But Defend and ‘Exonerate’ Accused Scientists Climate controversy shook public’s faith in global warming science, but not network news media’s. Reporters downplayed allegations, defended the science and turned accused into victims. It’s been a year since thousands of emails and […]
Are American Conservatives Wrong About Netanyahu? In my recent article “Netanyahu vs. Goldwater & Churchill: Why Not Victory?” ( I explored the question of whether or not American conservatives are right to consider Netanyahu a kindred spirit as well as some other things about Netanyahu. Writer Frank Maguire read my article and has penned what […] Introducing ‘forced intimacy’ Center for Security Policy | Nov 22, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. It is a sad, and potentially fatal, fact that most Americans know virtually nothing about the United States military. That astounding reality is all the more incredible given that our very survival ultimately depends on the men and women in […] The U.S. State Department International Religious Freedom Report 2009, bundles Israel with Afghanistan, China, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iran as violators of freedom of religion. Secretary Clinton should know better: Only in Israel Does Freedom of Religion Flourish Eli E. Hertz “Moslems have enjoyed, under Israeli control, the very freedom which Jews were denied […] Euro-Zone Rescue: Rising Tide of Opposition in Germany by Srdja Trifkovic On November 21 Ireland formally applied for a rescue package worth $90 billion, having failed to control its financial crisis with austerity measures and strict budgetary planning. European Union officials quickly agreed to the request, which follows an agreement negotiated last week in […] N.Korean claims contradict pledges: US WASHINGTON – NORTH Korean claims to have built a uranium enrichment plant contradict Pyongyang’s obligations, the White House said on Monday, as it left the door ajar for ‘serious’ negotiations. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs refused to divulge intelligence details but said that Pyongyang’s ‘claims, if true, contradict their […] FBI Hate Crime Stats Again Debunk Myth of Anti-Muslim Backlash Jonathan S. Tobin – 11.22.2010 – 4:52 PM One of the standard tropes of mainstream-media discourse in the post-9/11 era is that American Muslims have been subjected to a backlash in which they have been subjected to discrimination and hate crimes. Though there was […] The Amateur Hour: America Has Been Negotiating With a ‘Fake Taliban’ Posted by Peter Schweizer The hallmark of the American approach to Afghanistan has been to negotiate with the Taliban. American diplomats, at the direction of the Obama Administration, have been sitting down for detailed negotiations with Mullah Mansour, a senior commander of the […]