The “max” in Newsmax, if pronounced backwards, is “scam.” So the above is pronounced “News-scam.” This time it’s because the cover story of the November issue — “The Truth about Islam in America” — is handled in a way that would make the mainstream media proud. Because it’s almost indistinguishable. In addition to being […] Suppose there were an outbreak of smallpox somewhere which had already affected 11% of the population with the expectation that this would spread to at least another 10% in the foreseeable future. And suppose that country refused to use an available tried and true vaccine. Would you support the U.S. spending $620 million dollars […],250 6,L-3987292,00.html> 1. The complex nature of Jewish construction in the Settlements. If Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria prejudges the outcome of negotiation, wouldn’t Palestinian construction in Judea and Samaria have the same effect?! If the uprooting of Jewish communities advances peace, why would the uprooting of Arab communities undermine peace?! The call for […]
Pensioner spends 30 years building amazing model of Herod’s Temple … but admits he won’t be around to finish it Read more:—admits-wont-finish-it.html#ixzz160H7c52R Brick by brick, tiny figure by tiny figure, Alec Garrard has painstakingly worked for 30 years on an astonishing recreation of Herod’s Temple. But despite spending all that time and effort the […]
Two of his novels are available in English translation: The Death of the Adversary, and Comedy in a Minor Key. Hans Keilson interview: “Genius? I’m not even a proper writer!” Hans Keilson may be the greatest novelist you’ve never heard of. Born a German Jew in 1909, he wrote his first book aged 23. […] Gingrich: Holder Should Resign for Handling of Terrorism Cases Sunday, 21 Nov 2010 06:26 PM Article Font Size By Dan Weil and Kathleen Walter Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is outraged that convicted terrorist Ahmed Ghailani was just acquitted in civilian court of all but one of the 286 charges against him. “It’s clear […] Remembering JFK in an Age of Terror He offered no apology for our strength, declaring we have both the ‘will and weapons’ to defend freedom. By WARREN KOZAK For many Americans over the age of 55, Nov. 22 rarely passes without a wistful sense of sadness and the thought: What if? But today, 47 […]
REVIEW & OUTLOOK The Doctor Con The AMA gets its payment fix—for all of four weeks. One of the tragi-comic sideshows of passing ObamaCare was the Democratic attempt to buy off the American Medical Association by promising a permanent fix to the Medicare payment formula for doctors. Apparently permanent is four weeks. That’s the upshot […] The Liberal Solution to Terror has Failed The chief liberal critique of the War on Terror has been that George W. Bush wrongly treated 9/11 as an act of war, rather than a criminal act. Instead of passing the Patriot Act, invading Afghanistan, torturing terrorists and trying them under military tribunals, he should have […] I AGREE THAT PALIN SHOULD NOT RUN…..BUT CHAREN’S IDEA THAT SHE SHOULD BECOME AN OPRAH IS LUDICROUS….PALIN IS A WONDERFUL CAMPAIGNER FOR OTHERS; A LIKABLE GADFLY WHO KEEPS THE GOP ON THEIR TOES; A REAL CONSERVATIVE…AND VERY, VERY GOOD ON ENERGY ISSUES…SHAME ON CHAREN…SHE JOINS THE OTHER HARPIES IN SLAMMING SARAH…RSK November 19, 2010 […]