EGYPTIAN CLERIC’S USEFUL GUIDE TO WIFE BEATING Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric Sa’d Arafat, which aired on Al-Nas TV (Egypt) on February 4, 2010: To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit Interviewer: “Would you believe that the European women in our times yearns for a husband who would be like a guardian to her. I […]

ALARMING LIST OF CONTROVERSIAL OBAMAPPOINTEES TO FEDERAL BENCH Judiciary Committee taking up confirmations of controversial bench nominees POSTED AT 10:10 AM ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 BY ED MORRISSEY Jeff Sessions is ringing the alarm bells on Judiciary Committee hearings set to take place today for five Barack Obama nominees to the federal bench.  The Senate, which has few days left on its […]


40 Days Out: Analysis Of All The Key Senate Races (Read WP posts from John Hawkins) | (Read MT posts from John Hawkins) | rss As you read these run-downs, keep in mind that we have yet to reach the most crucial part of the campaign season. Over the next 40 days, the voters will […]

U. OF OTTAWA SUPPRESSED CLIMATE RESEARCH FROM SKEPTICAL SCIENTIST Skeptical Physicist’s Climate Research Halted?! Report: Court-ordered released document shows U. of Ottawa suppressing climate research from skeptical scientist — University’s dean’s accused of ‘vehement intervention’ aimed at squashing Dr. Denis Rancourt’s climate research plans — ‘Rancourt sued by filing a labour law grievance against the University of Ottawa’ Flashback: Left-wing Env. Scientist Rancourt […]


Perhaps in Chicago some intrepid (and informed) mainstream media reporter — underscoring how the OIC’s agenda is diametrically opposed to the U.S. Constitution — will ask the representatives of this avatar of mainstream Islam about its blatant rejection of freedom of conscience, described below. Mainstream Islam Rejects Freedom of Conscience Posted By Andrew G. […]

THE PERFECT FIT: BILL CLINTON AND THE MOSQUE…SRDJA TRIFKOVIC Bill Clinton and the Ground Zero Mosque: A Perfect Fit by Srdja Trifkovic Chronicles Online, September 23rd, 2010 Former President Bill Clinton declared his strong support for the Ground Zero mosque in an interview broadcast on September 12. He also suggested a clever new spin to the promoters of the project. Much or even […]

THE TERRORISM THAT DARE NOT SPEAK ITS NAME: ADRIAN MORGAN Janet Napolitano has made a statement on terrorism, nine years after 9/11. We have reproduced it for you to read here. Some parts of her speech are reassuring, indicating that the administration is acknowledging that America is under threat of terrorism, and that it is trying to do something about this threat. That is […]

TAJIKISTAN ATTACKS AND ISLAMIST MILITANCY IN CENTRAL ASIA By Ben West Militants in Tajikistan’s Rasht Valley ambushed a military convoy of 75 Tajik troops Sept. 19, killing 25 military personnel according to official reports and 40 according to the militants, who attacked from higher ground with small arms, automatic weapons and grenades. The Tajik troops were part of a nationwide deployment of […]

ROBERT SPENCER: A FUGITIVE FROM JIHAD A Fugitive from Jihad Posted By Robert Spencer The Seattle Weekly reported it rather laconically last Wednesday: “You may have noticed that Molly Norris’ comic is not in the paper this week. That’s because there is no more Molly.” Norris, the Weekly’s popular cartoonist and originator of Facebook’s notorious “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” page, […]

McCAIN CONFRONTS NAPOLITANO ON IMMIGRATION McCain Confronts Napolitano Over Back Door Plans For Granting Illegals Amnesty Last week a Department of Homeland Security memo was leaked that gave new credence to all of those rumors swirling around the Beltway that the President is poised to go against the will of the American people and grant amnesty for illegal immigrants […]