THE SULTAN:ALIENATING AMERICANS FROM AMERICA Pre-Sukkot Roundup – Alienating Americans from America IN THE LATE 1930’s A HARVARD STUDENT TRAVELED TO Europe to see its brutal dictatorships firsthand. He visited Mussolini’s Italy, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Hitler’s Germany. Writing in his diary, the young man confided that he had come “to the decision that Facism ((sic)) is the thing […]

ANNE BAYEFSKY:OBAMA’S BROKEN COMPASS AT THE UN Obama’s Broken Moral Compass On Display at the U.N. This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on Fox News. Today, the United Nations opens its annual debate at the General Assembly with President Obama making every effort to appear statesmanlike as he faces increasing criticism in his own backyard. Iranian President Ahmadinejad, who will […]

MICHAEL GRIMM FOR CONGRESS NY DISTRICT 13: ELECTIONS ARE COMING FROM THE MARINES, TO THE FBI, TO SMALL BUSINESS About Michael UNITED STATES MARINE Michael Grimm’s service to our nation began at the age of nineteen, when he left college after his freshman year and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps to serve the country that he loves and respects. After serving in […]

GUESS WHAT GROUPS ARE SPONSORING THE NAACP’S “ONE NATION” RALLY???? Communist, Pro-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Groups Sponsor NAACP’s ‘One Nation’ Counter Rally Posted by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King The NAACP-led ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally coming up in Washington, D.C. on October 2nd to counter the Tea Party movement’s success is being sponsored by pro-terrorist and communist groups. Many of their logos are proudly […]


When Crime Does Pay: The Threat of an Emboldened al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb September 23, 2010 – J.Peter Pham, PhD In my annual survey of African “hot spots” back in January, I noted that “al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seems to be stirring again as well as getting more involved in illicit trafficking of […]

JANET NAPOLITANO: TERROR IS MAJOR THREAT BUT NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM The following is a statement, released yesterday, in which Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano addresses the current terrorist threat to the United States. Statement of Secretary Janet Napolitano before the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, “Nine Years After 9/11: Confronting the Terrorist Threat to the Homeland” (Statement for […]

PRO ISLAM BIAS IN TEXAS SCHOOLBOOKS “If you can control or influence our education system, you can start taking over the minds of the young people,” Mr. Rives said. “And so I think we are real passionate that you need to make a bold statement to the publishers that pushing this agenda will not be tolerated in Texas.” As evidence […]

AT THE UN OBAMA LOBBIES FOR PALARAB STATE….NO OTHER PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD UNITED NATIONS – President Barack Obama is exhorting the world to unite around the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, challenging the United Nations to support an agreement that would create an independent Palestine and a secure Israel in a year’s time. In a speech to the annual session of the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday, Obama […]

SENIORS BEWARE: OBAMACARE IS COMING….SEE NOTE BY 2017 PEOPLE IN THEIR LATE FIFTIES NOW WILL BE SENIORS ON MEDICARE…THE OLDER ONES WILL HAVE TO BE PUT ON ICE FLOES….TO DRIFT TO THE ABYSS…..RSK By JOHN C. GOODMAN Today marks the six-month anniversary of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, widely known as ObamaCare. It is a […]

BREAKFAST WITH AH’JAD: BRET STEPHENS….LOX, BAGELS AND A LUNATIC ON THE “ZIONIST REGIME” Breakfast With Ahmadinejad Lox, bagels and the ‘Zionist regime.’ By BRET STEPHENS New York It’s a few minutes before eight in the morning on Tuesday, and the 30 or so journalists who have assembled to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the conference room of a midtown Manhattan hotel are gorging themselves on lox and bagels […]