,1518,725590,00.html Child Labor in Uzbekistan Are German Firms Profiting from Modern Slavery? By Nils Klawitter and Wladimir Pyljow Every autumn, children in Uzbekistan are forced to work in the cotton harvest, for little pay. German companies are among those profiting from this violation of human rights. In Uzbekistan, summer vacation begins in mid-September, when the […]
From: Tom Gross This dispatch can also be read here: Sent: October 28, 2010 Subject: WikiLeaks inadvertently reveals Israel took great care to avoid civilian casualties * Whereas in other modern wars we now know that civilians account for an average of 90 percent of casualties, by contrast in last year’s Israel-Hamas Gaza war, […] For Sale: Afghanistan’s Government By Diana West 10/29/2010 Last Sunday, the New York Times described a crude scene that smacked of not exactly petty graft. There was Afghanistan’s presidential plane on the Tehran airport tarmac, waiting for one last passenger before wheels up to Kabul. The missing passenger was Iran’s ambassador to Afghanistan. The […] Pilar: “My name is Daniel Pearl.” Early this month Spanish journalist Pilar Rahola was presented with the ADL Daniel Pearl Award for “writing and speaking out about anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism in Europe and elsewhere throughout the continent.” (h/t AE) Dear friends, good morning.Without doubt, he must be afraid. He faces the camera, but… where […]
Targeting Israel Posted By Mark D. Tooley URL to article: Minnesota Methodists, having decided that slamming Israel is central to their mission, have released a new special curriculum called “Palestine/Israel: Advocating for a Just & Lasting Peace.” The 7.8 million member United Methodist Church’s Minnesota Annual Conference is one of the denomination’s most left-leaning […]
If Mexico Falls Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Glynn Custred, Professor Emeritus at California State University East Bay, Hayward and a member of the American Anthropological Association and the Association of Borderland Studies. FP: Glynn Custred, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I would like to talk to you today about what […]
Sixty-Five Years of Circling the Drain: Happy Birthday, UN! Posted By Daniel Mandel SHOULD WE SAY HAPPY BIDET?….RSK URL to article: This week, 65 years ago, the United Nations officially came into existence. It has experienced ups and downs, but never has looked to be a greater a failure than it does today. Its […] Multilateralism exposed: Iran highly likely to join UN women’s rights body You couldn’t make it up. But since this is about the UN, you wouldn’t have to. The latest news from New York is that Iran, where women are stoned to death for adultery, is highly likely to gain a seat on the governing […] Analysis: It’s a mad, bad world. And that’s just the UN Share By Robin Shepherd, October 28, 2010 Put formulations such as “United Nations”, “Human Rights” and “Palestinian territories” into the same sentence and, chances are, you’re in for a peculiar experience. Add to that sentence the name “Richard Falk” – UN Special Rapporteur […]
The Democrats’ Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud By Selwyn Duke The reports are rolling in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket, but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC’s Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin […]