SOROS NOW MESSING WITH CANADIAN MEDIA: EZRA LEVANT Moral hollowness at work Billionaire George Soros has made a living wrecking the lives of others. Now he wants to mess with Canadians By EZRA LEVANT, QMI AGENCY Last Updated: September 5, 2010 12:02am + George Schwartz was born in Hungary in 1930 — not the luckiest time and place to be born a […]

SECURITY GUARDS TELL COLORADO STUDENT TO REMOVE US FLAG Colorado Student Says He Was Told to Remove U.S. Flags Published September 05, 2010 | A Colorado high school student wants an explanation from school officials after reportedly being told by security guards to remove American flags from his truck because they might make other students uncomfortable. Jeremy Stoppel told Denver’s KMGH-TV he […]

DIANA WEST: LAKIN COURT MARTIAL EVIDENCE MIGHT BE AN EMBARASSMENT TO OBAMA If evidence in the court martial trial of Lieut. Col. Terry Lakin — the Bronze-Star-decorated lead flight surgeon who has knowingly triggered his own court martial in his efforts to verify the Constitutional eligibility of President Obama — might be an “embarrassment” to President Obama, the presiding judge Army Col. Denise R. Lind has […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS:Londonistan continues to provide British hospitality to genocidal fanatics

Londonistan continues to provide British hospitality to genocidal fanatics Here is another example of how, despite everything that has happened, Britain is continuing in its appalling role as the western hub of Islamic terrorism – the pre-eminent western nation providing the most hospitable environment for the enemies of civilisation: In May 2010 Amjad al-Salfiti, […]


Enlisted Marine’s Candidacy Unique, Important http :// Marine Corps sergeant Jesse Kelly led a squad of infantry Marines during the initial invasion of Iraq, received the Combat Action Ribbon and brought all the Marines under his charge home alive. In late August, the six-foot-eight Leatherneck scored a major upset in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District […]

DID YOU KNOW MEXICAN MILITARY HELICOPTERS FLY OVER US SKIES OVER TEXAS? THE ALSO FLY BELOW RADAR…RSK Federal officials confirmed two Mexican military helicopter incursions took place in skies over Starr and Hidalgo County today but are asking the public not to be alarmed. Local law enforcement officials were put on alert after a Mexican military helicopter was spotted in Alto Bonito and headed east into Hidalgo County. […]

MOSLEMS GO TO FAIR TO REPAIR IMAGE…WHAT IS NOT FAIR IS THAT CHRISTIANS WERE ARRESTED IN MICHIGAN FOR PASSING LEAFLETS AT AN ARAB FETIVAL another question… about peaceful Moslems in Minnesotta denouncing the fact that so many young adherents of their community have fled to Somali to join Al-Shabbab.? State Fairs should explain AMERICA to them and no the other way around…..rsk Why weren’t they arrested? Asks Pamela Geller…read this Back in June, four Christians were arrested in […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: ON THOSE AHISTORICAL FANTASIES ABOUT THE MOSLEM “GOLDEN AGE” Bring Back Islam’s Mutazilite “Golden Age”? Posted By Andrew Bostom On September 4, 2010 Ignaz Goldziher (d. 1921) on the Mutazilite revisionism of his era: Authors of sophistic fantasies about hypothetical developments in Islam at times draw pictures of how salutary it would have been to the evolution of Islam if the Mutazila had […]

THE SULTAN:ISLAMOPHILIA IS THE NEW ANTI-SEMITISM A Tale of Two European Remarks: De Gucht and Sarrazin Posted: 04 Sep 2010 06:18 PM PDT In August, Thilo Sarrazin a member of the board of the German Central Bank, and a critic of Islamic immigration, mentioned that Jews and Basque and some other ethnic groups have a common gene. What followed was […]

ANDREW McCARTHY ON SAUL ALINSKY….”THE FOX HAS MADE IT TO THE HEN HOUSE”–crime-6271 “Organized” crime by Andrew C. McCarthy On the President’s favorite philosopher, Saul Alinsky. It is a matter of no small amusement for the journalist and agitator Nicholas von Hoffman that his beloved mentor, Saul Alinsky, learned the craft of “organizing” at the feet of Chicago’s most notorious mobsters. This was nearly eighty years before […]