Legend has it that long ago the philosopher Diogenes walked the streets of ancient Greece with a lamp held high in search of an “honest man.” His street theater suggested a quiet but dramatic protest against what he viewed as a corrupt society that smirked at government ethics and ignored personal responsibility.
A millennium or two later, the world’s greatest democracy has need to follow in Diogenes’ footsteps, as we collectively walk Washington, D.C. “looking for an honest man.”
America comes to this crossroads at a perilous time. There are those in our nation’s capital and leaders around the world who quietly believe our country is in a slow but deliberate decline, ceding global leadership to China much the way Great Britain gave way to the United States at the turn of the 20th Century.
If that is the case, then our world needs to brace itself for a dark, despotic era, for it was Abraham Lincoln who reminded all who would listen that the United States was, “…. the last best hope of earth.” Despite all of our domestic bickering, it remains so today.