GOVERNOR CHRISTIE INVITES MICHELLE RHEE TO NEW JERSY Governor Christie invites Michelle Rhee to New Jersey By: E. D. Kain Special to The Examiner 10/20/10 2:37 PM EDT This Time magazine cover picture of D.C. schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee helped create the image of Rhee as a too-tough lady. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, has offered former DC school reformer, Michelle Rhee, […]

VIRGINIA MAN ADMITS AIDING SOMALI TERROR GROUPS Va. man admits aiding terrorist group By: Emily Babay Examiner Staff Writer October 20, 2010 A 20-year-old Bristow man pleaded guilty Wednesday to aiding the Somali terrorist organization al-Shabaab. Zachary A. Chesser pleaded guilty in federal court in Alexandria to providing material support to a terrorist organization, communicating threats and soliciting crimes of violence. […]

MEDIA BLITZ IN OKLAHOMA FOR ANTI-SHARIA BALLOT INITIATIVE Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative By Stephen Clark Published October 20, 2010 | advertisement A group vowing to fight “Islamofascism” has launched a media blitz in Oklahoma supporting a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit the courts from considering Islamic or other international law when ruling on cases in Sooner […]

JOHN BOLTON AND PAULA DeSUTTER: THE ILLUSORY VERIFICATION GAP BOLTON & DESUTTER: The illusory verification gap Break in treaty compliance data is Obama’s own doing By John R. Bolton and Paula A. DeSutter President Obama and a fellow Democrat, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, are demanding that the Senate ratify the New START arms-control treaty with Russia during this year’s lame-duck congressional session. […]

WHY DID THE CIA OVERLOOK WARNINGS ON JORDANIAN DOUBLE AGENT BALAWI? CIA review of killings finds flaws Report cites ‘systemic failures’ in suicide bomber’s fatal attack in Afghanistan By Kimberly Dozier and Adam Goldman The Army general charged with finding IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan says the most effective tool is ‘two men and a dog.’ Warnings were ignored, security was lax and good judgment […]

THE “PEACE PROCESS’ IS A METAPHOR FOR DEFEAT: MOSHE DANN What we call the “Peace Process” is a big problem for the other side. Here’s why. Since Egypt and Jordan made peace treaties with Israel, why can’t the Palestinians? Simply, because Israel’s existence did not Their struggle is not to achieve statehood alongside Israel, but to replace Israel. contradict theirs. Pushing a “peace process” […]

BILL O’REILLY SOFTENS ON RAUF AND THE MOSQUE….SPOOKED BY THE HARRIDANS ON THE VIEW? Bill O’Reilly Will Help Build Ground Zero Mosque If Imam Rauf Condemns 9/11 and ‘The Jihad’ (VIDEO) by Jeremy Taylor, posted Oct 19th 2010 10:30PM Bill O’Reilly had Deepak Chopra on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ (weekdays, 8PM ET) Tuesday, and during a discussion about O’Reilly’s role in the Ground Zero Mosque controversy, Chopra revealed that […]

OBAMA TO CHAVEZ ON NUKES…..IT’S OKAY HUGO BUT ACT RESPONSIBLY More Information About The Heritage Foundation on Chavez’s Nuclear Program:”Act Responsibly, Mr. Chavez” When asked about his reaction to the signing of a Russian deal that promises to deliver two nuclear power plants to oil-rich Venezuela, President Obama answered: We have no incentive nor interest in increasing friction between Venezuela and the US, but […]


Another Tack: Back to Basics Sarah Honig Perhaps the greatest danger to Western civilization is moral relativism. Its basic premise is that there are no truths, just opinions. Our values are invariably belittled as vested interests. What our enemies promote is invariably elevated to the stature of the authentic yearnings of downtrodden masses. History […]


INN Interviews Republican Congressional Candidate Joel Pollak by Fern Sidman, INN US Correspondent A Conversation with Joel Pollak – Candidate for Chicago’s 9th congressional district As candidates from both sides of the aisle feverishly stump to achieve a victory in the upcoming November mid-term elections, pundits and opinion makers have been focusing on a small but highly […]