Published on The Weekly Standard ( ——————————————————————————– How Stuxnet is Scaring the Tech World Half to Death BY Jonathan V. Last The computer worm Stuxnet broke out of the tech underworld and into the mass media this week. It’s an amazing story: Stuxnet has infected roughly 45,000 computers. Sixty percent of these machines happen to […]
GOOD QUESTION BUT BARACK OBAMA IS NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA EITHER AND HIS POLICIES SEVERELY WEAKEN THE HOMELAND AS WELL AS OUR TRUSTED ALLIES….RSK Dr. Joel Fishman is a Fellow at a research institute in Jerusalem. Joel Fishman Makor Rishon Is Barack Obama “Good for the Jews”? The attitude of any American president to Israel […] HIS OPPONENT JIM MORAN THE INCUMBENT IS ONE OF THE MOST ANTI-ISRAEL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE; CLOSE TO CAIR; AND RECIPIENT OF LARGE SUMS OF PRO ARAB MONEY…..IMPORTANT RACE FOR SUPPORTERS OF ISRAEL…..RSK…..SEE….. MURRAY ON U.S. – ISRAEL RELATIONS The United States and Israel: An unshakable bond The bipartisan connection between the United […] Obama’s Next Two Years The midterm elections are coming up, and they spell defeat for the Democrats. All that’s left to be decided is just how bad that defeat will be. Poll after poll shows an American public that stolidly rejects their agenda and no matter how many stories the media churns out about […]
“The Brits closed the gates to Palestine, thereby helping Hitler trap the Jews of Europe. Despite bearing much indirect responsibility for the Holocaust, the Brits did not relent: they penned up the post-war survivors in stinking prison camps. And now, the Brits continue to evade responsibility by accusing the Jews of committing their sins – […] DAVID HORNIK IS A SUPERB ISRAELI JOURNALIST BUT ALAS, TOO MANY OF OUR LEGISLATORS THINK THAT THE ONGOING ARAB WAR AGAINST ISRAEL STARTED IN 1967 WITH A LAND GRAB BY ISRAEL WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE SO CONVOLUTED IN THEIR THINKING ABOUT “SETTLEMENTS”…AND, IN THE TEA PARTIES NO MENTION IS EVEN MADE OF ISRAEL…..IT […] Re: Assassination By Andrew C. McCarthy I agree with brother Kevin that there is a certain bloodlessness in the lawyers’ arguments about the potential assassination of al-Awlaki. But in his admirable effort to get to something more fundamental than law, I think Kevin is over-lawyering this one. As I argued the last time we […] September 30, 2010 12:00 A.M. Molly Norris Goes Ghost When it comes to Islam, constitutional protections are no longer to be taken seriously. Molly Norris is not as well known as Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf or Pastor Terry Jones. But you should know who she is — even though she is no more. It […] “After Murray was elected to the U.S. Senate, the Democrats tried to keep her locked in her office to prevent her from saying anything that might end up in a newspaper. But in the confusion after the 9/11 attack, the leadership must have lost the keys and Murray escaped to say this about Osama […] The Only Policy Left: Growth The GOP needs leaders willing to do what’s necessary to get it. By DANIEL HENNINGER With the November election just around the corner, President Obama spent the past two days hanging in middle-class folks’ backyards in Albuquerque, Des Moines and Richmond to discuss the state of the economy. But […]