IRS Deletes Job Posting Seeking Applicants Willing to ‘Use Deadly Force’ Diana Glebova

The IRS deleted a job posting Wednesday seeking a Special Agent “willing to use deadly force” for its law enforcement division, Criminal Investigation (CI). The deletion came amid renewed scrutiny of the IRS in response to a Democrat-backed spending bill that would double the size of the agency.

“As a Special Agent you will combine your accounting skills with law enforcement skills to investigate financial crimes,” the job advertisement read.

“No matter what the source, all income earned, both legal and illegal, has the potential of becoming involved in crimes which fall within the investigative jurisdiction of the IRS Criminal Investigation. Because of the expertise required to conduct these complex financial investigations, IRS Special Agents are considered the premier financial investigators for the Federal government,” the job posting continued.

The “Major Duties” listed in the job description included “a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job,” and being “willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”

It also included a requirement of carrying “a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.”

The Sanctification of George Soros by James Kirchick

How the left stopped worrying about Soros the billionaire and learned to love Soros ‘the Jew’.

Two weeks ago, George Soros took to the op-ed pages of the largest paid circulation newspaper in the United States to explain why he has spent tens of millions of dollars backing progressive district attorney candidates across the country. “Americans desperately need a more thoughtful discussion about our response to crime,” the billionaire philanthropist began in a piece for The Wall Street Journal titled, “Why I Support Reform Prosecutors.” Decrying the “demagoguery and divisive partisan attacks that dominate the debate and obscure the issues,” Soros elucidated his reasons for championing prosecutors who support, among other things, abolishing cash bail, reducing prison time for violent offenders, and declining to prosecute whole categories of crime altogether.

The scope of Soros’ efforts has been extensive. Through a combination of direct contributions to candidates, subventions to political action committees, and funding of other third party groups via his Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent upwards of $40 million over the past decade helping to elect some 75 prosecutors in metropolitan areas ranging from Los Angeles to Philadelphia, Manhattan to St. Louis. His pursuit of this agenda has been met with no small amount of controversy, and in some cases active resistance. In San Francisco, the Soros-backed District Attorney Chesa Boudin lost a recall vote earlier this year following a disastrous tenure marked by sharp increases in both violent and petty crime rates. George Gascon, a Soros-backed prosecutor in Los Angeles, will also face a recall. It was no doubt in response to the backlash his public efforts have caused that Soros decided, not unreasonably, to defend his political interventions. “I have done it transparently,” he wrote in the Journal of his massive outlays, “and I have no intention of stopping.”

Jihad and peace: When apples grow on cherry trees By Ruthie Blum

Operation Breaking Dawn, Israel’s 55-hour war against Islamic Jihad in Gaza that ended on Sunday night, not only aroused the wrath of the world’s usual antisemitic suspects; it also caused the small but vociferous domestic “peace camp” chorus to sing its tired refrain about the desperate need for a political solution to the conflict.

The tired “two-state” mantra is also reiterated by White House and State Department officials at every opportunity, other than when they are busily beseeching Iran to return to the nuclear deal. Naturally, US President Joe Biden repeated it during his visit last month to Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

He went beyond his already foolish even-handedness, however, when touring the Augusta Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. On his way to the medical center that treats Palestinian patients from East Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, his team removed the Israeli flag from his limousine and forbade Israeli reporters from covering the event. He then gave a little speech in which he likened the plight of the Palestinians to that of his Irish forebears.

“[W]e have a long history not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people with Great Britain and their attitude toward Irish-Catholics over the years, for 400 years,” he said, before quoting an Irish poem about hoping for a “tidal wave of justice.”

The US Must Ditch Its Incoherent Policy on Taiwan by Con Coughlin

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, moreover, provides a timely illustration of what can happen when the West does not take sufficient action to safeguard the security of its allies.

In February, for example, the US approved a $100 million support package to improve the island’s missile defences, which were designed to improve its Patriot missile defence system. But bureaucratic wrangling in Washington means Taipei has still to receive the support it needs.

Consequently, now that Beijing has provided the West with its military template for intimidating Taiwan, this has provided the US and its allies with an indication of the military defences, such as anti-missile, anti-aircraft and anti-warship missiles, to thwart any future Chinese attack.

So if Washington, as the Biden administration keeps insisting, is really serious about defending Taiwan from Chinese aggression, then it should get off the fence and abandon its confused policy of “strategic ambiguity” in favour of one that will deter future acts of Chinese aggression against this freedom-loving island state.

China’s extreme military response to Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan sends an unequivocal message to the US that it can no longer sustain its policy of “strategic ambiguity.”

At a time when the very existence of the democratic island state is under threat from China’s communist rulers, what Taipei badly needs is unconditional declarations of support from its Western allies, not the diplomatic equivalent of sitting on the fence, which essentially sums up the Biden administration’s inadequate response to date.

Jiminy Cricket may have to go into hiding Diane Bederman

News Alert: Jiminy Cricket may have to go into hiding. He has been heard expressing surprise, shock and astonishment that his fellow crickets are now being bred for food in first world countries. Who knew?

Why would we need to turn to crickets for food?

The WEF under the leadership of Klaus Schwab is promoting crickets as a major source of protein as he and his colleagues – leaders of the West; including my hero Justin Trudeau, start to take down farming and demand reductions in livestock – seems they belch dangerous gasses that are destroying our climate.

It all kicked off in June as Dutch farmers protested over their government’s proposals to slash emissions of damaging pollutants, a plan that will likely force cultivators to cut their livestock herds or stop work altogether.

And the attacks on farmers spread across Europe into New Zealand and on to Canada and the USA. Bet you haven’t heard a word from main stream media!

In Canada, Our Dear Leader, Justin Trudeau is one of many leaders concerned about the dangers of…get ready for it… fertilizer. This despite the fact that 72% of farmers said that crop yields and food production will plummet should the Trudeau government’s 30% fertilizer emission targets be implemented.

More reason for crickets.


Hmmm. Just as we are nearing the November 8, 2022 Elections there are new polls, harbingers of GOP losses and possible Dem retaining majorities in the Senate and Congress.

Many questions are designed to elicit answers the pollsters want.

Here is an example from a political pollster who called me:

The first question had me identify myself as a conservative Republican.

Then the question: ” If it were proven beyond a doubt that Governor Ron de Santis is corrupt would you support him in 2024? ”

No doubt they would list “no” as a signal that conservative Republicans would not support Florida’s governor.

When I challenged the question and asked if its exact text would be revealed I got a dial tone.

So take those ominous results with a grain of salt.


Iran: Systematic Persecution of Baha’is by Mohshin Habib

Samin Ehsani had been running educational courses for Afghan children living in Iran, but who did not have access to education in the country. During the trial, her activities were presented as an example of the charges against her.

In Iran, an estimated 300,000 followers of the Baha’i faith are being denied many fundamental rights such as access to education, employment, political office, and practice of their religious rituals. Iran’s clerical regime evidently considers the Baha’is to be heretics and as having no religion.

Baha’is consider Baha’ullah as a messenger in succession to Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. For that, no other religion or state suppress them except Iran.

On June 15, 2022, Samin Ehsani, a follower of the Baha’i faith and an activist for children’s rights in Iran was arrested and transferred to the infamous Evin Prison in Tehran. Earlier, on July 2, 2011, Ehsani had also been sentenced by Branch 28 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Tehran to five years in prison on charges of “propaganda against the regime, acting against national security, and being a member of the heretical Baha’i faith.”

Invasive Feds Pawed Through Melania’s Clothes, Spent Hours in Former President’s Private Office By Athena Thorne

As more details emerge about the shocking federal raid on the Trump family’s private home at Mar-a-Lago, we’re getting a fuller sense of how invasive and offensive the action truly was.

The family had decamped to Trump’s Bedminster, N.J., estate for the summer, leaving Mar-a-Lago closed for the season with only a skeleton staff looking after the 20-acre private golf resort. At 9 a.m. Monday morning, over 30 plainclothes FBI agents arrived at the residence, accompanied by three DOJ attorneys. The DOJ is believed to have coordinated the raid with the U.S. Secret Service, meaning USSS agents would have granted them access to the property.

The DOJ lawyers, whom an eyewitness described as “arrogant,” repeatedly told Trump representatives, “We have full access to everything. We can go everywhere.” Trump’s own lawyers, who hadn’t been advised of the raid, arrived an hour after the FBI.

Political Principle or Class Prejudice? How the progressive elite insulate themselves from accountability. Bruce Thornton

As important as the invention of representative government in ancient Greece was, the creation of democracy was even more revolutionary. Allowing the non-elite masses––those lacking an aristocratic lineage or great wealth––to become citizens and participate in governing the state has characterized most constitutional free governments since then. Even totalitarian states pay the homage of hypocrisy to that ideal by including “democratic” or “republic” in their countries’ names.

A byproduct, however, of that innovation has been endemic class warfare, the struggle for political preeminence that challenges the ideal of political equality, the corollary of political freedom. This conflict was present at the birth of the United States in the convention to write the Constitution, and in the subsequent public debates over its ratification. Particularly over the last century, the growth of federal power and its technocratic administrative apparatus has intensified this traditional conflict between what Woodrow Wilson deemed the “wise few” and the “foolish many.”

Yet today’s technocratic, credentialed managerial elite must still pay lip-service to notions of citizen equality and sovereignty, even as the they lessens the freedom and autonomy of the people, states, and civil society. The rise and presidency of Donald Trump sparked such intense, irrational bipartisan animus in part because he highlighted and crudely mocked those elite pretensions and specious rhetoric of equality, and still today has the support and loyalty and almost half the voters.

Persecuting a Pro-Israel Scholar DePaul University’s show trial of Prof. Jason Hill. Matthew Vadum

A white DePaul University professor mocked her black Jamaican-born colleague Jason D. Hill, claiming he came from a “shit-hole” country after Hill wrote an op-ed expressing support for the state of Israel.

The smear may be shocking to some but it’s just another day on an American university campus nowadays. To the academic Left, supporting Israel is arguably the worst thing anyone can do. Backing the Jewish state is an unforgivable sin in their eyes.

To these people, saying anything good about Israel is a crime against humanity. They believe that perpetrators of such thought crimes need to be made examples of and punished with the utmost severity.

So that’s what they did to Hill, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and author of several books, including What Do White Americans Owe Black People? Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression (Emancipation Books, 2021) and We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People (Bombardier Books, 2018). Hill is currently writing another book, Man Haters: the Left’s Vicious Campaign to Emasculate Men and Boys, which will be published next year.

The attacks on Hill were launched even though leftist thinking dictates he should enjoy triple-protected status because he checks three boxes on the all-important intersectional checklist: he’s black, gay, and an immigrant. But he is not beyond scrutiny in the woke world because he holds the wrong views on Israel and its right to exist, an issue that is at the apex of the leftist hierarchy of hatred.

The “shit-hole country” slander came as leftists at DePaul University in Chicago launched a vicious vendetta against tenured philosophy professor Hill after he wrote a column, “The Moral Case For Israel Annexing The West Bank—And Beyond,” that was published in The Federalist on April 16, 2019.