,css.print/pub_detail.asp MICHAEL SALL The war against Israel is not a war against Israel . It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us. If there would have been no Israel , Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its […],css.print/pub_detail.asp WAIT TIL THEY OPEN THEIR MEDICAL SCHOOL AND TEACH NEUROLOGY(SEVERING OF THE SPINAL CORD AND DECAPITATION) Extremist Background of U.S. Islamic College’s Leaders September 3, 2010 – The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report US media is reporting on the opening of what is described as the first Muslim College in America. According to a […] The Latest Outrage Against Arizona And America September 3, 2010 – Christopher Adamo As freedom and individuality are crushed throughout the Middle East under the weight of Sharia law, Barack Obama opts to bow and grovel at the feet of Islamic dictators with whom he seeks to “build bridges.†Comity with such people is […] Mayor Gloomberg hosted slumlord Daisy the Khan and thug “developer” Sharif El-Gamal (with a rap sheet a mile long) at a Ramadan dinner. What is little known is that Hamas-linked, Muslim Brotherhood front, un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR’s New York chief, Zead Ramadan, was there. The Mayor has his own little terror cell party right there […] Despite the overwhelming evidence that radical Imam and rat and roach slumlor Feisal Rauf has ties to extremists (Qaradawi, Tantawi) and terror organizations (Perdana Organization) and is funded by Al Qaeda/Bin Laden corporations, and one of the financial backers of the Rauf’s Islamic mosque and cultural center project in Lower Manhattan contributed to Hamas, […] JON WARD Democrats think they’ve found the latest example of a Republican trying to have their cake and eat it too on the $814* billion stimulus bill. California Rep. David Dreier, the top Republican on the House Rules Committee, signed his name to an Aug. 2 letter to the president, inviting him to attend […] Converts to terror By PATRICK DUNLEAVY Reporting on the terrorism trial now under way in fed eral district court in Man hattan is focusing on defense attorneys’ “entrapment” claim. But to me, the more interesting question is how the four accused were radicalized to the point where they’d even consider plotting to bomb synagogues […]
Wednesday, September 1. 2010 New York Times Reports (Sorta) On Brooklyn College’s Indoctrination Book (UPDATES) When even the New York Times recognizes criticism of a leftist attempt to indoctrinate students with an Arab-American victimism and anti-American book, the sole one distributed by the college to incoming students and also a reading in the required English […]
Commentary » Blog Archive » Liberalism’s Existential Crisis Liberalism’s Existential Crisis Peter Wehner, As the Obama presidency and the Democratic Party continue their journey into the Slough of Despond, it’s interesting to watch Obama’ supporters try to process the unfolding events. Some blame it on a failure to communicate. E.J. Dionne, Jr., for […] Hillary Clinton for President Ads Air in New Orleans, Will Run in Other Cities Christopher Weber While voters are being inundated with television spots for candidates in this year’s midterm elections, viewers in some markets will also see an ad for the 2012 presidential vote with the slogan, “Where there’s a Hill there’s a […]