THE CHALLENGE FOR CONNECTICUT: THIS IS BLUMENTHAL: ELECTIONS ARE COMING AS ATTORNEY GENERAL RICHARD BLUMENTHAL IS A CRUSADER AGAINST POWER COMPANIES AND INDUSTRY…..RSK Climate Change Lawsuits Heat Up, Led By An End Run In Connecticut By JAMES R. COPLAND While the United States Senate tries to decide what to do about proposed global warming legislation (the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act), Connecticut’s […]

Why can’t the media be bothered to do their job? Maybe it’s because they’re too busy slandering the public.

That Mosqued Man Posted 08/24/2010 06:36 PM ET Rauf: The Ground Zero imam. View Enlarged Image Media Bias: The campaign to label anyone who opposes the Ground Zero mosque as racist and Islamophobic is in full flight. Of course, this allows the media to avert their gaze from what’s really important. Last week, MSNBC’s […]

Moderate Muslims Are Not the Answer Reuel Marc Gerecht Reuel Marc Gerecht THESE QUOTES ARE SIMPLY LUDICROUS AND UNDERMINE ANY ARGUMENT IN GERECHT’S SOPHOMORIC ARGUMENTS HERE. FIRST: “When George W. Bush invaded Iraq he most certainly did not intend to break Al Qaeda’s back, but this war, more than anything else, has helped to neutralize the appeal of bin Ladenism, at least among […]


US taxpayers funding mosuqes Lee DeCovnick My American Thinker blog of August 8th asked how extensively American taxpayers are funding mosque construction around the globe, as revealed by Newsweek columnist Fareed Zakaria. Some disturbing answers have now come from Caroline May’s well researched article in the The Daily Caller. May writes, Just a cursory […]

EXCUSING ISLAM FOR THE FORT HOOD MASSACRE: LANCE FAIRCHOK Excusing Islam for the Fort Hood Massacre By Lance Fairchok “The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil.”  Cicero On 5 November 2009, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a US Army Psychiatrist and devout Muslim, opened fire on his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, TX, killing thirteen and wounding 32.  As he […]


Why Has Extradition of Russian Terror Funder to USA Been Delayed? On Friday August 20, Douglas Farah wrote that the extradition of a notorious Russian terror funder, Viktor Bout, had been confirmed by a Thai court. Bout is wanted by America to stand trial on charges of conspiring to sell weapons to a terrorist […]

VICTOR SHARPE:THEN AS NOW; NOW AS THEN,css.print/ Then as Now; Now as Then August 25, 2010 – Victor Sharpe When you enter an Arab bazaar you are expected to bargain. Not to do so is almost considered an insult to the Arab trader. More than that it marks you as almost worthless and beneath contempt. The same attitude exists towards the […]


Electing Another People After the uprising of the 17th of June The Secretary of the Writers Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government […]

INDOCTRINATION NOT EDUCATION ABOUT ISLAM IN NEW YORK HIGH SCHOOLS: ANDREW BOSTOM Islamophilic Indoctrination in New York High Schools Posted By Andrew Bostom On August 24, 2010 Mahmud of Ghazni, early 11th century Muslim jihadist who ravaged Hindu India during at least 17 conquering expeditions waged over 25 years. What New York High School students are required to affirm on their State Regents exams in global […]

VICTOR SHARPE: IMAM FEISAL’S BRIDGE TO NOWHERE Imam Faisal’s Bridge to Nowhere by Victor Sharpe The Imam who is pushing for the construction of the Cordoba victory mosque is strangely and troublingly embraced by the U.S. State Department to an extent that leaves many puzzled and alarmed. Why has Hillary Clinton funded this Imam as he tours the Middle East at […]