DONALD LAMBRO A stable of dark-horse Republican candidates – to the surprise of political handicappers – are seriously threatening veteran Democrats in heavily Democratic states, increasing GOP hopes to reclaim control of the Senate in November. From Washington to Wisconsin and Connecticut, Republican challengers are forcing analysts to revise upward their midterm forecasts of […] On the Culture On the Campaign for Islamic Prayer in a Cathedral of Mary By Dr. Jeff Mirus | August 18, 2010 2:49 PM The Archbishop of Cordoba has refused permission for Muslims to practice formal Islamic prayer in his cathedral, which is dedicated to Saint Mary of the Assumption. According to Mansur Escudero, […]
Civilizational War By Bill Warner The Civilization of Islam One of the clearest lessons about Islam is found in the Sharia. The largest part of the Sharia is devoted to regulating the life of Muslims down to the smallest detail. There is no aspect of life that is not regulated — sex, food, art, […]
Once considered anti-Islam, senior scholar says he’s now in the middle HUMPTY DUMPTY ALSO STRADDLED A WALL AND HAD A GREAT FALL….RSK by Michelle Boorstein The Washington Post August 18, 2010 Send Comment RSS I had a very interesting chat yesterday with Daniel Pipes, who is considered one of the most senior scholars who […]
Bloomberg’s quiet investments in Sharia Finance: an ulterior motive in backing Ground Zero’s Victory Mosque? Lower Manhattan’s St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church once sat across the street from the World Trade Center’s Tower Two. It was leveled during the catastrophic attacks of 9/11. For years, church officials have attempted to get permission to rebuild. […]
Dear Fellow Patriots, This morning I delivered the following letter to Congressman Ron Klein, requesting his bi-partisan support in taking a stand against the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero. Â I hope you will echo my sentiments to him, as it is essential that we not allow this mosque to be built on the hallowed ground […]
URL to article: Pelosi Angry, on the Ropes Peter Wehner Posted on Commentary magazine’s blog Contentions 08.18.2010 Having just made the case that the debate about the mosque and Ground Zero needs to be conducted in a responsible, careful way by all sides, I regret to note that Speaker Nancy Pelosi now indicates that […]
FOR IMMEDIATERELEASE Contact: (914)844-3146 9/11 Families Respond to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi New York, NY, August, 14–For the last four months, 9/11 families, first responders, survivors and concerned citizens have been asking where developers are getting funding for a $100-million dollar mosque and Islamic center planned for Ground Zero. The imam who […]
Back to Basics on Israel’s Security Needs Elliott Abrams’s_Security_Needs The letter from President Bush to Prime Minister Sharon of April 14, 2004, was a return to the key elements of U.S. policy since 1967 developed under President Johnson – the idea that there would be no return to the situation before June 1967; that […] Aussie parties support Israel LIBERAL IN AUSTRALIA DOES NOT MEAN WHAT IT MEANS HERE….THE LIBERAL PARTY IS THE MORE CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND FORMER LIBERAL PRIME MINISTER JOHN HOWARD IS AND WAS THE FINEST, MOST STALWART FRIEND OF ISRAEL AND CRITIC OF JIHAD AND SHARIA….IN AUSTRALIA’S HISTORY….GILLARD IS A FLAKE AND A POLITICAL CHAMELEON…I HOPE […]