ANDREW McCARTHY RESPONDS ON PREEMPTION AND ARIZONA Preemption & Prosecutorial Discretion: Response to Heather Mac Donald By Andy McCarthy Posted on August 03, 2010 3:42 PM I appreciate Heather’s kind words and her thoughtful response to the points I raised in challenging one argument she made in the course of dismantling Judge Susan Bolton’s ruling on the Arizona immigration law. Heather […]

THE GIRL ON TIME MAGAZINE COVER BRUTALLY MUTILATED BY TALIBAN Mutilated by the Taliban: The girl of 18 who had nose and ears hacked off for trying to flee cruel in-laws With her clear skin and dark, flowing hair, 18-year-old Aisha would ordinarily have stood out from a crowd because of her beauty. But now, tragically, the young Afghan woman is eye-catching for a […]

KKK Plans To Build Center On ruins of 16th St. Baptist Church

KKK Plans To Build Center On ruins of 16th St. Baptist Church…… TERRIFIC SATIRE Ruins of the 16th St. Baptist Church in Which 4 Young Girls Lost Their Lives Wise Beyond his Years: Isaac Luria of J Street African American leaders greeted with enthusiasm KKK plans to erect a church and cultural center on […]


THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY IS IN SEPTEMBER…..ON JULY 20 MALONE’S OPPONENT PERRY WAS FEATURED…..BUT MALONE IS THE MORE APPEALING, ATTRACTIVE CANDIDATE WITH THE BEST RECORD….STAY TUNED  JOE MALONE FOR CONGRESS Position Paper on US-Israel Relations Posted on Jun 30th, 2010 | Like most Americans, I admire Israel and support Israel’s independence, its security, its […]

JAMES DELLINGPOLE….SO IT WAS NOT AS BAD AS THE GREENS SAID So I Was Right About the BP Oil Spill… James Delingpole “There’s nothing the greens like more than a nice, juicy oil spill disaster”, I wrote seven weeks ago, in a blog arguing that the environmental damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon disaster was being talked up by green activists like Barack Obama in […]

ISLAM AND SHARIA BANKING: VINCENT GIOIA Islam and Shariah Banking Vincent Gioia Barack Obama showed us when traveling to the Middle East early in his presidency by capitulating to Muslims and bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia that we must understand what we, the free people of the world, can expect through Obama’s appeasement approach to solving Middle East […]


The Dark Side of the Boom,1518,709691,00.html Chinese Fight Property Seizures by the State By Wieland Wagner Local authorities in China are using brutal means to expropriate ordinary people in a bid to profit from the country’s construction boom. Some desperate citizens have commited suicide, while others vow to defend their properties with their lives. […]

ADULT GOVERNORS: CHRIS CHRISTIE AND MITCH DANIELS…..SEE NOTE JAN BREWER IS GOOD TOO!….RSK August 3, 2010 12:00 A.M. Attack of the Adults If you want to find a grown-up in government, don’t look in the Oval Office or the Capitol. Look in the statehouses of New Jersey and Indiana. If you could boil down the public’s lament about Washington, it might be: […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: OH NOT ANOTHER CIA SOLUTION FOR AFGHANISTAN…..MUSTREAD Oh, No: Not Another ‘CIA Solution’ for Afghanistan We’re still reeling from the last one. It has been over 20 years since the American-sponsored Afghan mujahideen stunned the world by forcing the invading Red Army to withdraw, a major falling domino in the Soviet collapse. Now Jack Devine, a former top CIA official who […]

J STREET AND THE MOSQUE: BLINDNESS COMBINED WITH SHEER STUPIDITY J Street: blindness meets sheer stupidity Among the ethical obligations imposed upon Jews are these two: honoring the dead, and comforting mourners. Rabbi Joseph Telushkin gives this highly relevant example of the former: After the terrorist attack on New York City’s Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, religious Jews came to recite psalms on […]