Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, who courageously slammed the brakes on the Dems’ drunken-sailor Build Back Better tax-and-spend spree, seems to have lost his nerve. He has reached a deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s more modest but still pernicious $739 billion bill with the Orwellian moniker Inflation Reduction Act, the fiscal version of destroying the village in order to save it.
If this bill passes, it will be yet another instance of throwing money into the “Green Energy” hole that’s already swallowed Germany and other EU countries.
The bill is economically absurd. Take the mystifying idea that an economy going through the biggest inflation in 40 years caused by printing and redistributing too much money, just as it slipped into a recession needs the government to throw nearly a trillion dollars more at it. As the Wall Street Journal sardonically asks, “Is their aim to reduce inflation by chilling business investment and the economy?”
But perhaps the worst part of the bill is the big chunk, $369 billion, that will be bestowed on “green energy subsidies,” “incentive,” and tax rebates for fighting “climate change,” the euphemism for anthropogenic, catastrophic global warming. The Dems seem not to have noticed that Germany, the world’s fourth largest economy, and the most aggressive at killing off carbon-based energy and transitioning to “renewables” like wind and solar, is facing a fiscal crisis.
Why? Even though the man they deemed a braggadocios dunce, Donald Trump, warned them about getting hooked on Russian gas and oil, Germany gambled its economy on that transaction in order to morally preen about their globalist sensibility and moral superiority to those greedy MAGA American flat-earthers who refuse to “follow the science.”